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Project Management area

In PM solutions we support a number of project methodologies, such as Agile and Simple Projects. Methodology solutions help in implementing best practices in project management. CS Odessa provides Toolbox solutions to support solving issues related to planning, tracking, milestones, events, resource usage, and other typical project management functions. Toolbox Solutions help you deal with common project situations in an extraordinary way.

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Cash Flow Reports Cash Flow Reports

Use this solution to generate the multifarious Cash Flow reports with a goal to control the project expenses by days, by resources, by tasks and to analyze effectively the project progress, the flow of finances within one project or several projects within a multiproject, and their compliance to allocated budget.

Current Activities Reports Current Activities Reports

It delivers the capability to generate the current activities reports of projects and multiprojects, namely these are Completed Tasks, Critical Tasks, Tasks in Progress, Unstarted Tasks, and Overdue Tasks reports, which help to reflect clearly the actual situation in a project, the tasks statuses, the project cost at the moment, and thus to compare the planned amount of work that needs to be done to the actually performed one.

Overview Reports Overview Reports

Having detailed information about project tasks from the overview reports, namely about the number of completed, unstarted, in progress, early and late tasks and time of their implementation, the project managers and team leaders can analyze this information to evaluate the project progress in comparison with its state at a planning stage and at the moment of previous reporting period, and to detect the tasks that require additional efforts.

Knowledge Reports Knowledge Reports

This solution allow reporting in a spreadsheet the information about project tasks with start dates and hyperlinks associated with them in your project Gantt Chart, the hyperlinks associated with the whole project, and the hyperlinks to e-mails of project's work resources.


This solution offers the set of project examples and a wide choice of report kinds, which you can generate in a moment in a form of Mind Map document.

Resource Usage Reports Resource Usage Reports

The Resource Usage Reports solution supplies ConceptDraw PROJECT software with a large set of useful project examples and extensive reporting abilities in resources planning, their allocation and use.

Visual Reports Visual Reports

The Visual Reports solution extends abilities of ConceptDraw PROJECT by creating the illustrative and comprehensible reports on a project in a form of visual graphs and diagrams of common types

Custom Excel Report Custom Excel Report

Use this solution to create a custom Excel template and generate a tabular project report based on it. The special functions from the CD Project add-in for MS Excel speed up your work.

PM Agile PM Agile

These visual tools assist in holding the Scrum-meetings, collaborative planning the sprints, maintaining backlog, calculating and reporting the velocity of the team. Moreover, intended for the companies using Agile methodology, specifically Scrum, the Product Owners, Scrum Masters, software developers, and management specialists.

PM Dashboards PM Dashboards

Demonstrating the dynamic capabilities of the ConceptDraw software suite, PM Dashboards uses DIAGRAM in conjunction with PROJECT to create live dashboards that can display project data to team members.

PM Docs PM Docs

Properly composed and professionally designed documentation describes all aspects of the project, involves a thorough analysis and discussion of project details with the project manager, team leader and other project employees before writing it, and as a result, contributes to improving the project effectiveness.

PM Easy PM Easy

The project management tool and available visual tools, such as mind mapping, increase the effectiveness of tracking and analysis your project tasks.

PM Meetings PM Meetings

The collaborative decisions made by project team are captured as a part of the meeting process and then distributed — this innovative process makes meetings more productive and keeps activities on track.

PM Personal Time Management PM Personal Time Management new-label

Be effective in project management and personal time management, generate easily your personal To-Do lists, personal calendars, personal assignment lists, project checklists, and communicate with your colleagues using e-mail and sending project Microreports via e-mail with one click.

PM Planning PM Planning

PM Planning combines features from PROJECT and MINDMAP, allowing you to export relevant parts of a project data as a mind map in a simple automated process. This helps keep team members up to date with project progress.

PM Presentations PM Presentations

Another solution to highlight the power of ConceptDraw software when used in combination — take project status slides from PROJECT, performance diagrams and charts from DIAGRAM, and collected information from MINDMAP, then use DIAGRAM or MINDMAP to combine all these elements into a single presentation.

PM Response PM Response

By feeding project data into MINDMAP through the PM response solution, it is possible to analyze iteration planning, discuss project layout approaches, and solve project challenges.

How ConceptDraw Helps With Project Management

Project Management

We strive to create innovative value in project management using well-known methodologies. An important part of our business is to support and enhance project management methodologies, and extend their functionality by providing extra tool box solutions. We create practical value for your project through our PM Solutions, available in ConceptDraw Solution Park. Our solutions increase the general effectiveness of your work by supporting whichever methodology you use in your specific project.

Each project has its own individual challenges, due to the project’s environment. Using a proven project management methodology, supported by PM Solutions from ConceptDraw Solution Park, allows you to extend the effectiveness of that methodology. ConceptDraw Solution Park helps you quickly adapt to the uniqueness of any project situation.

ConceptDraw Solution Park improves your project management activity by providing you with Toolbox and Methodology Solutions. Toolbox Solutions enhance your daily project management activities regardless of your project methodology. Methodology Solutions help with your specific project management practices.

Typical Tasks for Any Project Manager

Typical Tasks

There are a set of universal activities that every project manager faces. These activities are the core to any project, and many of them are common, regardless of the project phase. Presentations are important in keeping everyone informed of project progress and changes that occur during a project’s life cycle. Other critical and traditionally labor intensive activities include project documentation generation, running effective meetings, and recording meeting outcomes. Equally important is time management, planning and reporting, and tracking project results.

Many projects are driven by a specific project methodology that guides the project procedure during its development and execution. In addition to the methodology practice there is often a requirement to manage change from a tactical viewpoint, keeping the project on time and on budget. Project managers need the tools to help them with these tactical requirements.

Because of the different situational requirements that can occur in a project, CS Odessa has provided two sections of ConceptDraw Solution Park specifically built for a project manager. Our solutions provide support for general project issues and for project methodologies. The ConceptDraw Solution Park toolbox has a variety of solutions that address issues faced daily by project managers. The methodology section includes solutions that provide assistance for small project and Agile project approaches. In the future, additional methodologies will be supported by ConceptDraw Solution Park.

The toolbox section of ConceptDraw Solution Park addresses many of the daily tasks necessary for project managers, such as creative planning, project changes, project environment, documentation, project presentation, effective meetings, personal time management, planning and reporting, dashboards, and tracking.

In practice, for many project tasks, the project methodology you use does not come into play. As project environments are volatile and ever-changing, you need a simple to use and powerful tool to help you with problem solving.

Project managers who struggle with daily challenges should look at what is available for use in the ConceptDraw Toolbox for Project Managers. To better support a specific project method, look at our methodology section that provides a range of solutions to support your project efforts.

Methodology Solutions

Project management is a branch of science that evolves quickly, and the pace is ever quickening. As a result, there are many methodologies that have developed unique characteristics so that they can better adapt to a project’s specifics. The meaning of the word “project”, as derived from Latin, means a unique event that does not repeat itself. Because of this attribute, no universal project methodology exists. Every methodology has its loyal supporters that understand the inherent strengths of that project method.

Selection and implementation of any project methodology in a company has a huge impact on financial and time resources. Project methodology can also impact organizational structure. Consequently most companies adapt a standard project methodology for all projects. Seldom are changes made in this decision because the changing of methodology is a costly process.

Innovative changes

Innovative changes occur within the methodology. These innovations result in the potential to save time, increase project quality, and also equip organizations to better adapt to unique situations. These adaptations improve productivity. Often, new projects leverage the experience gained from preceding projects. The net effect is improved ability to compete in the organization’s marketplace.

Our methodology solutions do not require any changes to existing company project processes. Our solutions introduce innovation into organizations. ConceptDraw project management solutions help organizations in many ways, and introducing innovation into the project management process is just one way companies can benefit from our products offerings. Innovation can increase your probability for success, and also save time and money resources.

The methodology solutions provided in ConceptDraw Solution Park are professional project tools that support one or many steps of the methodology you use increasing your overall effectiveness. Increased overall effectiveness improves the value of your project methodology in your organization.

Toolbox Solutions

Toolbox Solutions

Whatever methodology project managers use, there are always day-to-day issues in project management. These issues relate to planning, tracking, milestones, events, resource usage, and many more variables that are found in a typical project. The project environment always has a major impact on identifying critical or noncritical inside the project. For example, in one project, the distribution of resource assignments could be critical, in another project, the critical issue could involve team communication about the task completions status, accomplishing objectives, or just making a great project presentation.

The project environment always creates new tasks which do not fit in the direction of the primary project objectives. These new tasks are often not addressed in the framework of the chosen management methodology and can have a large impact on project success.

Following the management methodology may be required, however, the project environment can produce circumstances where addressing tasks can require project managers to use project tools that are not part of of the management methodology. It is normal for these types of tasks to occur, and they must be addressed to complete the project. Toolbox solutions from CS Odessa equip project managers with effective tools to deal with unique problems.

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Working with You

In our work and dialog with ConceptDraw users we see a variety of projects of all sizes. Sometimes these projects take days, others take years. Each project has individual objectives, operates in different subject domains, and can have different complexities and tasks.

The numerous unique project situations are important for each participant and require the correct tools to help with decision making. In all of these cases we strive to create solutions to improve efficiency when you are managing projects.

The variety of projects that you undertake drives us to build tools that help manage projects of any size scope and to solve project situations at any time. That is why we give great attention to our project management solutions. We look for innovation in project management. We are focused on delivering solutions that help you implement innovation in your projects. Our responsibility is to help you achieve project success by providing tools that assist in the management of completing tasks, increasing the personal effectiveness of each participant, and allowing transparent project communication. We partner with you to achieve success.

Customer-focused solutions for managing projects is core to our experience of building tools to manage projects, build mind maps, and draw diagrams.

Our goal is to build solutions to help you start faster and be more effective in project execution, regardless of your experience level. Our focus is to help you be successful, no matter what the project methodology used, the size of the project, or the experience of the team.
