"Branding strategies.
Company name.
Often, especially in the industrial sector, it is just the company's name which is promoted...
Individual branding.
Each brand has a separate name ..., which may compete against other brands from the same company...
Attitude branding and iconic brands.
Attitude branding is the choice to represent a larger feeling, which is not necessarily connected with the product or consumption of the product at all. ...
Iconic brands are defined as having aspects that contribute to consumer's self-expression and personal identity. ...
"No-brand" branding.
Recently a number of companies have successfully pursued "no-brand" strategies by creating packaging that imitates generic brand simplicity.
Derived brands.
In this case the supplier of a key component, used by a number of suppliers of the end-product, may wish to guarantee its own position by promoting that component as a brand in its own right.
Brand extension and brand dilution.
The existing strong brand name can be used as a vehicle for new or modified products ...
Social media brands.
social media brands may be the most evolved version of the brand form, because they focus not on themselves but on their users. ...
Alternatively, in a market that is fragmented amongst a number of brands a supplier can choose deliberately to launch totally new brands in apparent competition with its own existing strong brand ...
Private labels.
Private label brands, also called own brands, or store brands have become popular. Where the retailer has a particularly strong identity this "own brand" may be able to compete against even the strongest brand leaders ...
Individual and organizational brands.
There are kinds of branding that treat individuals and organizations as the products to be branded. Personal branding treats persons and their careers as brands. ... Faith branding treats religious figures and organizations as brands. ... Nation branding works with the perception and reputation of countries as brands. ...
Crowd sourcing branding.
These are brands that are created by "the public" for the business, which is opposite to the traditional method where the business create a brand. ...
Nation branding (place branding and public diplomacy).
Nation branding is a field of theory and practice which aims to measure, build and manage the reputation of countries ...
Destination Branding.
Destination Branding is the work of cities, states, and other localities to promote to themselves." [Brand. Wikipedia]
The block diagram example "Branding strategies" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Block Diagrams solution from the area "What is a Diagram" of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Company name.
Often, especially in the industrial sector, it is just the company's name which is promoted...
Individual branding.
Each brand has a separate name ..., which may compete against other brands from the same company...
Attitude branding and iconic brands.
Attitude branding is the choice to represent a larger feeling, which is not necessarily connected with the product or consumption of the product at all. ...
Iconic brands are defined as having aspects that contribute to consumer's self-expression and personal identity. ...
"No-brand" branding.
Recently a number of companies have successfully pursued "no-brand" strategies by creating packaging that imitates generic brand simplicity.
Derived brands.
In this case the supplier of a key component, used by a number of suppliers of the end-product, may wish to guarantee its own position by promoting that component as a brand in its own right.
Brand extension and brand dilution.
The existing strong brand name can be used as a vehicle for new or modified products ...
Social media brands.
social media brands may be the most evolved version of the brand form, because they focus not on themselves but on their users. ...
Alternatively, in a market that is fragmented amongst a number of brands a supplier can choose deliberately to launch totally new brands in apparent competition with its own existing strong brand ...
Private labels.
Private label brands, also called own brands, or store brands have become popular. Where the retailer has a particularly strong identity this "own brand" may be able to compete against even the strongest brand leaders ...
Individual and organizational brands.
There are kinds of branding that treat individuals and organizations as the products to be branded. Personal branding treats persons and their careers as brands. ... Faith branding treats religious figures and organizations as brands. ... Nation branding works with the perception and reputation of countries as brands. ...
Crowd sourcing branding.
These are brands that are created by "the public" for the business, which is opposite to the traditional method where the business create a brand. ...
Nation branding (place branding and public diplomacy).
Nation branding is a field of theory and practice which aims to measure, build and manage the reputation of countries ...
Destination Branding.
Destination Branding is the work of cities, states, and other localities to promote to themselves." [Brand. Wikipedia]
The block diagram example "Branding strategies" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Block Diagrams solution from the area "What is a Diagram" of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Competitor Analysis
Competitor analysis is a first and obligatory step in elaboration the proper corporate marketing strategy and creating sustainable competitive advantage. Use powerful opportunities of numerous solutions from ConceptDraw Solution Park for designing illustrative diagrams, charts, matrices which are necessary for effective competitor analysis.Pyramid Chart Examples
Pyramid Charts and Triangle Diagrams are used to visually structure the topics and progressively order the quantitative data. They allow to illustrate hierarchical structure of the topics, proportional, interconnected and containment relations among the topics. The multilevel Pyramids and Triangle diagrams are constructed oriented up or down and divided into several horizontal slices. They are effectively used to represent marketing strategies, social strategies, information systems, market value, etc., to illustrate presentations, websites, documents, reports in business, finances, sales, management, marketing, media, training, consulting, and many other fields. To maximize the efficiency in drawing the Pyramid Charts, use the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Pyramid Diagrams solution from Marketing area, which contains the set of Pyramid Chart examples, samples, templates and vector design elements of triangular diagrams and pyramids with different quantity of levels for various needs.This arrow circle diagram sample was redesigned from the Wikimedia Commons file: Loyalitätskreislauf-klein.jpg. [commons.wikimedia.org/ wiki/ File:Loyalit%C3%A4tskreislauf-klein.jpg]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [creativecommons.org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
"Loyalty marketing is an approach to marketing, based on strategic management, in which a company focuses on growing and retaining existing customers through incentives. Branding, product marketing and loyalty marketing all form part of the customer proposition - the subjective assessment by the customer of whether to purchase a brand or not based on the integrated combination of the value they receive from each of these marketing disciplines.
The discipline of customer loyalty marketing has been around for many years...
In recent years, a new marketing discipline called "customer advocacy marketing" has been combined with or replaced "customer loyalty marketing." " [Loyalty marketing. Wikipedia]
The arrow circle diagram example "Loyalty" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Target and Circular Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
www.conceptdraw.com/ solution-park/ marketing-target-and-circular-diagrams
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [creativecommons.org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
"Loyalty marketing is an approach to marketing, based on strategic management, in which a company focuses on growing and retaining existing customers through incentives. Branding, product marketing and loyalty marketing all form part of the customer proposition - the subjective assessment by the customer of whether to purchase a brand or not based on the integrated combination of the value they receive from each of these marketing disciplines.
The discipline of customer loyalty marketing has been around for many years...
In recent years, a new marketing discipline called "customer advocacy marketing" has been combined with or replaced "customer loyalty marketing." " [Loyalty marketing. Wikipedia]
The arrow circle diagram example "Loyalty" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Target and Circular Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
www.conceptdraw.com/ solution-park/ marketing-target-and-circular-diagrams
BCG Matrix
The growth–share matrix (BCG Matrix) was created by Bruce D. Henderson for the Boston Consulting Group in 1970 to help corporations to analyze their business units and to help the company allocate resources. How is it easy design the BCG Matrices in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software supplied with unique Matrices Solution from the Marketing Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.Remote Projects in Corporate Strategy
Communication is the main challenge and the key success factor for organizational project management in company with remote projects. Communicating visually via Skype you bring all projects together to achieve corporate goals.
"Brand essence is a phrase that communicates the fundamental nature of a trade name associated with one or more products made by the same company. A business marketing team will often spend considerable time developing effective ways of expressing the brand essence of their company's various brands by highlighting the unique benefits provided that pertain to the values of its target subculture." [businessdictionary.com/ definition/ brand-essence.html]
Brand essence model diagram visually display key points of brand essence in easy to understand form.
The example of wheel diagram (ring diagram, bevel style circle diagram) "Brand essence model" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Target and Circular Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
www.conceptdraw.com/ solution-park/ marketing-target-and-circular-diagrams
Brand essence model diagram visually display key points of brand essence in easy to understand form.
The example of wheel diagram (ring diagram, bevel style circle diagram) "Brand essence model" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Target and Circular Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
www.conceptdraw.com/ solution-park/ marketing-target-and-circular-diagrams
This solution extends ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with the ability to brainstorm, review and organize the sending of Tweets.
Positioning Map
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful diagramming and vector drawing software. Extended with Matrices Solution from the Marketing Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park it became the best software for quick and easy designing various types of Matrix Diagrams, including Positioning Map.
Marketing Diagrams
Marketing Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software with abundance of samples, templates and vector design elements intended for easy graphical visualization and drawing different types of Marketing diagrams and graphs, including Branding Strategies Diagram, Five Forces Model Diagram, Decision Tree Diagram, Puzzle Diagram, Step Diagram, Process Chart, Strategy Map, Funnel Diagram, Value Chain Diagram, Ladder of Customer Loyalty Diagram, Leaky Bucket Diagram, Promotional Mix Diagram, Service-Goods Continuum Diagram, Six Markets Model Diagram, Sources of Customer Satisfaction Diagram, etc. Analyze effectively the marketing activity of your company and apply the optimal marketing methods with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software.
This solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with samples, templates and library of design elements for drawing the business matrix diagrams.
Flowchart Example: Flow Chart of Marketing Analysis
An example flowchart of marketing analysis shows main steps you have to challenge writing a marketing analysis.Swot Analysis Examples
SWOT analysis is an advanced plan making methodology for detection the Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, that are involved in a project. SWOT analysis possesses a wide variety of real and potential applications and is a key part of any business planning and analysis. SWOT analysis uses as a visual tool the SWOT diagrams and SWOT matrices. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution provides a lot of SWOT analysis examples and samples, and also numerous collection of built-in SWOT templates, which will be the good start in your self-depending drawing and the perfect source of inspiration. You can always start to design your SWOT diagrams from the blank sheet using the included predesigned vector objects, but in many cases to save the time and efforts for SWOT diagramming would be preferable to use the ready example the most appropriate to your needs. Customizing the proposed SWOT diagrams you will achieve a great success in drawing SWOT matrices of any style and complexity."Brand awareness refers to customers' ability to recall and recognize the brand under different conditions and link to the brand name, logo, jingles and so on to certain associations in memory. It consists of both brand recognition and brand recall. It helps the customers to understand to which product or service category the particular brand belongs and what products and services are sold under the brand name. It also ensures that customers know which of their needs are satisfied by the brand through its products (Keller). Brand awareness is of critical importance since customers will not consider your brand if they are not aware of it. There are various levels of brand awareness that require different levels and combinations of brand recognition and recall. Top-of-Mind is the goal of most companies. Top-of-mind awareness occurs when your brand is what pops into a consumers mind when asked to name brands in a product category." [Brand. Brand awareness. Wikipedia]
This top brand model pyramid diagram was redesigned using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software from Wikimedia Commons file Diagram Top Brand Model.jpg. [commons.wikimedia.org/ wiki/ File:Diagram_ Top_ Brand_ Model.jpg]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [creativecommons.org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
The example "Top brand model pyramid diagram" is included in the Pyramid Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
This top brand model pyramid diagram was redesigned using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software from Wikimedia Commons file Diagram Top Brand Model.jpg. [commons.wikimedia.org/ wiki/ File:Diagram_ Top_ Brand_ Model.jpg]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [creativecommons.org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
The example "Top brand model pyramid diagram" is included in the Pyramid Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Swot Analysis Examples for Mac OSX
SWOT is an acronym of the words Strengts, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Тhreats. SWOT analysis is used to show the real situation and prospects of the company on the market, the internal environment of the company is reflected by S and W, and external by O and T. SWOT analysis is a quality tool for structuring available information, which is successfully used in the process of strategy planning, it helps analysts in formulation recommendations on the basis of collected information and data, structured in a form of SWOT Matrix. The SWOT analysis is effective and simple in use, however its results in great depend on the completeness and quality of initial information, from the depth of understanding of the current state and development trends of the market, and also from the used software. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with powerful tools of SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution, containing templates and SWOT analysis examples for Mac OSX and Windows, is ideal software for creation professional SWOT Matrices and SWOT Analysis Matrices.Market Chart
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful diagramming and vector drawing software. Each Market Chart designed in it is professional looking, attractive and successful in using thanks to the Marketing Diagrams Solution included in Marketing Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.Network Community Structure. Computer and Network Examples
Network community structure is a network which nodes can be easily grouped into the sets of nodes with dense internally connections. This example shows a network that displays the community structure with three groups of nodes with dense internal connections and sparser connections between the groups.
SWOT Matrix Template
SWOT analysis is a structured planning method, which lets define the objective of the business, internal and external factors favorable or unfavorable for achieving this objective, represent Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats on the SWOT Matrix. SWOT analysis can be conducted for an industry, company, product, place, or person. It lets to choose the best path for development of an organization, helps to avoid dangers, gives opportunity to establish relationship between the potential of an organization and the problems, lets to assess the values of profitability and compare them with performance of competitors, gives the possibility to expand and enhance the competitive advantages. SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution included to ConceptDraw Solution Park contains wide variety of SWOT and TOWS matrix diagrams examples and samples, and also specially developed templates. Each SWOT template have great value in easy and quick drawing of SWOT matrices and diagrams in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software for Mac OSX and Windows.SWOT Analysis
The success of the company depends on how successfully it is able to react on different outside influences. When analyzing the external situation, it is necessary to identify the factors most significant on a specified period of time. An interrelated consideration of these factors with the company's possibilities allows to solve effectively appearing problems. One of the most common methods of assessment together internal and external factors influencing the company's development is a SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis (acronym composed of the first letters of the words: strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) is one of the most common and effective types of analysis in marketing and marketing researches. It allows to identify and structure the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise, as well as potential opportunities and threats of the market, to make conclusion in which direction a given organization needs to develop its business and to formulate the organization's strategy. Use the ConceptDraw MINDMAP software and offered SWOT analysis templates for easy holding SWOT analysis for your company. This Mind Map displays the SWOT analysis for a company and variety of performance measures that influence its work.Offensive Strategy — Spread Offense Diagram
Explaining offensive strategies of American Football is practically impossible without drawing a diagram. If you need to do this more than once you have to choose an appropriate tool allows you to change diagrams easily. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with the Football Solution is the best choice for this case.- Block diagram - Branding strategies | Block Diagrams | Marketing ...
- Block diagram - Branding strategies | Pyramid Chart Examples ...
- Social Brand Strategy | Pyramid Chart Examples | Competitor ...
- Block diagram - Branding strategies | Brand essence model - Wheel ...
- Block diagram - Branding strategies | Marketing mix - Wheel ...
- Block diagram - Branding strategies | Competitor Analysis ...
- Brand essence model - Wheel diagram | Competitor Analysis ...
- Block diagram - Branding strategies | Block diagram - Porter's five ...
- Relationship Between Brand Strategies Which Is Brand Pyramid
- Brand essence model - Wheel diagram | Social Brand Strategy | Top ...
- Fishbone Diagrams | Stakeholder Onion Diagrams | Block diagram ...
- Pyramid Chart Examples | Top brand model - Pyramid diagram ...
- Brand essence model - Wheel diagram | Top brand model - Pyramid ...
- Strategic Brand Wheel
- Pyramid Chart Examples | Brand essence model - Wheel diagram ...
- Brand essence model - Wheel diagram | Target and Circular ...
- Brand essence model - Wheel diagram | Competitor Analysis ...
- Matrices | Marketing Area | Bcg And Brand Pyramid
- Top brand model - Pyramid diagram | Pyramid Diagrams | Brand ...