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"Business process mapping refers to activities involved in defining what a business entity does, who is responsible, to what standard a business process should be completed, and how the success of a business process can be determined.
The main purpose behind business process mapping is to assist organizations in becoming more efficient. A clear and detailed business process map or diagram allows outside firms to come in and look at whether or not improvements can be made to the current process.
Business process mapping takes a specific objective and helps to measure and compare that objective alongside the entire organization's objectives to make sure that all processes are aligned with the company's values and capabilities.
ISO 9001 requires a business entity to follow a process approach when managing its business, and to this end creating business process maps will assist. The entity can then work towards ensuring its processes are effective (the right process is followed the first time), and efficient (continually improved to ensure processes use the smallest amount of resources)." [Business process mapping. Wikipedia]
The swim lane process map example "Payroll process" was drawn using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Cross-Functional Flowcharts solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Swim lane process mapping diagram
Swim lane process mapping diagram, vertical swimlanes, terminator, process, decision,

Cross-Functional Process Map Template

When you need a drawing software to create a professional looking cross-functional charts, ConceptDraw with its Arrows10 Technology - is more than enough versatility to draw any type of diagram with any degree of complexity.

Use templates with process maps, diagrams, charts to get the drawing in minutes.

Process Flowchart

ConceptDraw is Professional business process mapping software for making process flow diagram, workflow diagram, general flowcharts and technical illustrations for business documents. It is includes rich examples, templates, process flowchart symbols. ConceptDraw flowchart maker allows you to easier create a process flowchart. Use a variety of drawing tools, smart connectors, flowchart symbols and shape libraries to create flowcharts of complex processes, process flow diagrams, procedures and information exchange.
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)

Business Process Mapping — How to Map a Work Process

ConceptDraw PRO is a world-class diagramming platform that lets you display, communicate, and present dynamically. It′s powerful enough to draw everything from basic flowcharts to complex engineering schematics.
Video tutorials on ConceptDraw products. Try it today!

Cross-Functional Flowchart (Swim Lanes)

ConceptDraw PRO diagramming software provides vector shapes and connector tools for quick and easy drawing diagrams for business, technology, science and education.
Use flowchart maker of ConceptDraw PRO enhanced with solutions from ConceptDraw Solution Park to create diagrams to present and explain structures, process flows, logical relationships, networks, design schemes and other visually organized information and knowledge.

Basic Flowchart Symbols and Meaning

Flowchart Symbols and Meaning - Provides a visual representation of basic flowchart symbols and their proposed use in professional workflow diagram, standard process flow diagram and communicating the structure of a well-developed web site, as well as their correlation in developing on-line instructional projects. See flowchart's symbols by specifics of process flow diagram symbols and workflow diagram symbols.
How to Build a Flowchart
How to Build a Flowchart
"Value Stream Map (VSM)
1. A tool used to improve a process by identifying added value and eliminating waste.
2. A process map that follows the value creation process.
A. “strap yourself to the product (or service) and see where you go”
3. A process map with data added.
A. Times: processing, wait, cycle.
B. Quality: number of rejects.
C. Inventory.
D. Resources.
1) Number of people.
2) Space.
3) Distance traveled.
E. Whatever else is useful for analyzing the process." [ courses/ aeronautics-and-astronautics/ 16-660j-introduction-to-lean-six-sigma-methods-january-iap-2012/ lecture-notes/ MIT16_ 660JIAP12_ 1-6.pdf]
This sample VSM flowchart shows the value stream in a manufacturing, production control and shipping processes.
This value stream mapping diagram example was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Value Stream Mapping solution from the Quality area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Value stream mapping
Value stream mapping, workcell, truck shipment, logistics, timeline total, timeline, supermarket, signal Kanban, shipment, pull, production control, production Kanban, operator, material withdrawal Kanban, manual info, load levelling, electronic information flow, dedicated process, data box, customer, supplier, Kanban post, Kaizen burst,

value stream map, VSM Value Stream Mapping

value stream map, VSM
Value stream mapping solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and vector stencils for drawing the Value Stream Maps (VSM) in lean manufacturing practice.

cross-functional flowchart template, flowchart, example business process flow Cross-Functional Flowcharts

cross-functional flowchart template, flowchart, example business process flow
Cross-functional flowcharts are powerful and useful tool for visualizing and analyzing complex business processes which requires involvement of multiple people, teams or even departments. They let clearly represent a sequence of the process steps, the order of operations, relationships between processes and responsible functional units (such as departments or positions).

Cross Functional Flowchart for Business Process Mapping

Start your business process mapping with conceptDraw PRO and its Arrows10 Technology. Creating a process map, also called a flowchart, is a major component of Six Sigma process management and improvement. Use Cross-Functional Flowchart drawing software for business process mapping (BPM).

Use a variety of drawing tools, smart connectors and shape libraries to create flowcharts of complex processes, procedures and information exchange. Define and document basic work and data flows, financial, production and quality management processes to increase efficiency of you business.

Process Mapping

ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software offers the unique Business Process Mapping Solution from the Business Processes Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. Powerful drawing tools of this solution make it effective Business Process Mapping software and help easy design professional looking business process diagrams and flowcharts.

process mapping, sipoc diagram, swim lanes, business mapping software Business Process Mapping

process mapping, sipoc diagram, swim lanes, business mapping software
The Business Process Mapping solution for ConceptDraw PRO is for users involved in process mapping and creating SIPOC diagrams.

ConceptDraw Arrows10 Technology

Connecting objects manually in ConceptDraw PRO is a snap:
- points;

- Connecting groups of objects;

- Auto-routing;

- Connectors text;

- Snap to Guides ;

- Quick.

Cross-Functional Flowchart

Cross-Functional Flowchart - to draw cross functional process maps is by starting with a cross-functional flowchart samples and templates. Easy to draw sample cross functional Process Flow Diagrams. Using a Cross-Functional flowchart is a clear way of showing each team member’s responsibilities and how processes get shared or transferred between different teams and departments.
Use cross-functional flowcharts to show the relationship between a business process and the functional units (such as departments) responsible for that process. To create it use the best flowchart maker of ConceptDraw PRO.
How to Draw a Cross Functional Flowchart using visio alternative ConceptDraw PRO as visio for mac
How to Draw a Cross Functional Flowchart using visio alternative ConceptDraw PRO as visio for mac

How to Dramatically Reduce Drawing Time - New connection modes

The innovative ConceptDraw Arrows10 Technology included in ConceptDraw PRO is a powerful drawing tool that changes the way diagrams are produced.
While making the drawing process easier and faster.

This is more than enough versatility to draw any type of diagram with any degree of complexity.