Workflow Diagram Examples
Workflow Diagram
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is simple workflow software for business process mapping. It extended with number of workflow tools alowing professionally create workflow diagrams,presentations and implement business process mapping. This is diagramming workflow tools for business process automation.
A software you use for drawing workflow diagrams should provide a wide set of examples allows you get closer with workflow diagrams, learn symbols meaning, find appropriate layout and design, and then start drawing your own workflow diagram masterfully. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with the Workflow Diagram solution provides a complete set of samples, examples, templates and features help you to draw diagrams faster. This is excelent toolkit for preparing detailed business process automation diagrams and descriptions.

Pic.1 Workflow tools with workflow diagram template
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a professional diagramming software for drawing business process mapping diagrams. It includes collection of workflow tools and flowchart symbols for bpm definition.
The add on for this soft is the Workflow Diagrams solution that allow users to present business process modelling as compositon of data transferring, documents, and tasks during performance of a work process by using vector library objects and samples. They carry the simple entrance to workflow process diagram.
Pic.2 Workflow diagram examples
This example shows a workflow diagram that clearly illustrates stages a business consists of and relations between all parts of business.

Pic.3 Workflow diagram example: Business process mapping.
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How to draw pictorial chart quick, easy and effective? ConceptDraw DIAGRAM offers the unique Pictorial Infographics Solution that will help you!
Pictorial Infographics solution contains large number of libraries with variety of predesigned vector pictograms that allows you design infographics in minutes. There are available 10 libraries with 197 vector pictograms.
Picture: How to Draw Pictorial Chart. How to Use Infograms
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This diagram represents the structure of UML notations. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used in software engineering to depict graphically the software modeling process. UM Language uses graphic notations for developing models of object-oriented systems. These notations displays requirements, sub-systems, logical and physical elements, etc. We created this diagram using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM reinforced with Rapid UML solution. It can be helpful for students on software engineering, when learning UML.
Picture: UML Notation
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Use the intuitive product - ConceptDraw.
Picture: Check Order Process Flowchart. Flowchart Examples
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Picture: Architecture Diagrams
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Event-Driven Process Chain flowcharts for improvement throughout an organisation.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a software for making EPC flowcharts to provide business process modelling. Its excellent business process improvement tools.
Picture: An Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) - flowchart used for business process modelling
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Data storage is a fundamental aspect of the cloud platform. Microsoft offers scalable, durable and elastic cloud Azure Storage which can be available from any type of application whether it’s running in the cloud and anywhere in the world.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Azure Architecture Solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides a lot of useful tools which give you the possibility effectively illustrate Microsoft Azure cloud system, Azure services, Azure storage and its components.
Picture: Azure Storage
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A list of parameters on which networks differ is very long. A large network with a range up to 50 kilometers is called metropolitan area network (MAN), and this type of network can include several local area networks. Metropolitan networks in their turn connect into global area networks.
Here you will see a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). This is an extensive network which occupies a large territory including a few buildings or even the whole city. The space of the MAN is bigger than LAN, but lower than WAN. MAN comprise a lot of communication equipment and delivers the Internet connection to the LANs in the city area. Computer and Networks solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM provides a set of libraries with ready-to-use vector objects to design various kinds of computer networks.
Picture: Metropolitan area networks (MAN). Computer and Network Examples
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