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Use the vector stencils libraries Business people clipart and Business people figures to quick draw illustrations, diagrams and infographics for your business documents, presentations and websites.
The stencils library Business people clipart includes 12 design elements: Negotiations
Round-table discussion, Business meeting, Presentation, Reporting, Overcharge, Department, Manager, Stakeholder, Investor, Shareholder, Customer.
The clipart library Business people figures includes 27 design elements: Negotiations, Phone talks, Private meeting, Internet conference, Web conference, Correspondence, Bridging, Signing of a contract, Discussion of an agreement, Personal calculation, Cooperation, Staff, Human resource, Available resource, Employed worker, Underloaded resource, Overdriven resource, Resource allocation, Company, Partner company, Workgroup, Conference, Report, Presentation, Speech, Exhibition, Interview, Rally.
This vector clipart is provided by the Business and Finance solution from Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Vector clip art
Vector clip art, workgroup, underloaded resource, stakeholder, staff, personnel, panel, manpower, speech, signing, contract, shareholder, round-table, discussion, resource allocation, report, rally, private meeting, presentation, phone talks, personal calculation, partner company, overdriven resource, overcharge, negotiations, manager, investor, interview, human resource, exhibition, employed worker, discussion, agreement, department, customer, correspondence, cooperation, conference, company, business meeting, meeting, bridging, available, resource, Internet conference, Web conference,
The vector stencils library "Business people clipart" contains 12 clipart images of business people.
"A businessperson (plural businesspeople) is a business professional; especially one with a senior position (such as a corporate executive).
Gender-specific names for a businessperson are businessman and businesswoman. ...
An extraordinarily wealthy or powerful businessperson is called a business magnate or tycoon." [Businessperson. Wikipedia]
The clip art example "Business people clipart - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO software extended with the Business and Finance solution from the Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ illustrations-business-finance
Negotiations, negotiations,
Round-table discussion
Round-table discussion, round-table, discussion,
Business meeting
Business meeting, business meeting, meeting,
Presentation, presentation,
Reporting, reporting,
Overcharge, overcharge,
Department, department,
Manager, manager,
Stakeholder, stakeholder,
Investor, investor,
Shareholder, shareholder,
Customer, customer,

project, management, meeting PM Meetings

project, management, meeting
This solution extends ConceptDraw MINDMAP software, by making meeting preparation a quick and simple task.
The vector stencils library "Business people clipart" contains 12 clipart images of business people.
"A businessperson (plural businesspeople) is a business professional; especially one with a senior position (such as a corporate executive).
Gender-specific names for a businessperson are businessman and businesswoman. ...
An extraordinarily wealthy or powerful businessperson is called a business magnate or tycoon." [Businessperson. Wikipedia]
The clip art example "Business people clipart - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO software extended with the Business and Finance solution from the Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ illustrations-business-finance
Negotiations, negotiations,
Round-table discussion
Round-table discussion, round-table, discussion,
Business meeting
Business meeting, business meeting, meeting,
Presentation, presentation,
Reporting, reporting,
Overcharge, overcharge,
Department, department,
Manager, manager,
Stakeholder, stakeholder,
Investor, investor,
Shareholder, shareholder,
Customer, customer,
The vector stencils library "Business people clipart" contains 12 clipart images of business people.
"A businessperson (plural businesspeople) is a business professional; especially one with a senior position (such as a corporate executive).
Gender-specific names for a businessperson are businessman and businesswoman. ...
An extraordinarily wealthy or powerful businessperson is called a business magnate or tycoon." [Businessperson. Wikipedia]
The clip art example "Business people clipart - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO software extended with the Business and Finance solution from the Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ illustrations-business-finance
Negotiations, negotiations,
Round-table discussion
Round-table discussion, round-table, discussion,
Business meeting
Business meeting, business meeting, meeting,
Presentation, presentation,
Reporting, reporting,
Overcharge, overcharge,
Department, department,
Manager, manager,
Stakeholder, stakeholder,
Investor, investor,
Shareholder, shareholder,
Customer, customer,

Business People Clipart

Business People Clipart - Business and Finance solution from Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Use it to quick draw illustrations, diagrams and infographics for your business documents, presentations and websites.
The vector stencils library Business People Clipart includes 12 images.

TQM Diagram, TQM,  Quality Diagram, Business Workflow Diagram, Business, Workflow, Diagram, Total Quality Management Diagrams, Timelines, Presentations, Meeting Agendas, Problem to be solved, solution park Quality

TQM Diagram, TQM,  Quality Diagram, Business Workflow Diagram, Business, Workflow, Diagram, Total Quality Management Diagrams, Timelines, Presentations, Meeting Agendas, Problem to be solved, solution park
This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v9 and ConceptDraw MINDMAP v7 with Quality Management Diagrams (Total Quality Management Diagrams, Timelines, Workflows, Value Stream Maps) and Mind Maps (Presentations, Meeting Agendas, Problem to be solved).

collaboration, diagram Collaboration Area

collaboration, diagram
The solutions from Collaboration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park extend ConceptDraw PRO and ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with features, samples, templates and vector stencils libraries for drawing diagrams and mindmaps useful for collaboration.

How To Show Project Progress Peport on Web

Project progress on web: delivering project status to remote teams and stakeholders via Skype.
The vector stencils library "Business people clipart" contains 12 clipart images of business people.
"A businessperson (plural businesspeople) is a business professional; especially one with a senior position (such as a corporate executive).
Gender-specific names for a businessperson are businessman and businesswoman. ...
An extraordinarily wealthy or powerful businessperson is called a business magnate or tycoon." [Businessperson. Wikipedia]
The clip art example "Business people clipart - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO software extended with the Business and Finance solution from the Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ illustrations-business-finance
Negotiations, negotiations,
Round-table discussion
Round-table discussion, round-table, discussion,
Business meeting
Business meeting, business meeting, meeting,
Presentation, presentation,
Reporting, reporting,
Overcharge, overcharge,
Department, department,
Manager, manager,
Stakeholder, stakeholder,
Investor, investor,
Shareholder, shareholder,
Customer, customer,


Use ConceptDraw MINDMAP for creative thinking, planning, organization, problem solving, presentations, decision making, note taking, team brainstorming and other tasks.

How to Report on Project Milestones Using a Mind Map

It's often necessary to report on project milestones while your project is under way. You can generate the Milestone report Mind Map.
This IDEF0 diagram sample was created on the base of the figure from the California Water Plan website. [ technical/ cwpu2009/ flowdiaghtml/ dgm18.htm]
"The California Water Plan provides a collaborative planning framework for elected officials, agencies, tribes, water and resource managers, businesses, academia, stakeholders, and the public to develop findings and recommendations and make informed decisions for California's water future. The plan, updated every five years, presents the status and trends of California's water-dependent natural resources; water supplies; and agricultural, urban, and environmental water demands for a range of plausible future scenarios. The California Water Plan also evaluates different combinations of regional and statewide resource management strategies to reduce water demand, increase water supply, reduce flood risk, improve water quality, and enhance environmental and resource stewardship. The evaluations and assessments performed for the plan help identify effective actions and policies for meeting California's resource management objectives in the near term and for several decades to come." []
The IDEF0 diagram example "Determine groundwater" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the IDEF0 Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
IDEF0 diagram
IDEF0 diagram, IDEF0,

quality management mind map, quality management mindmap Quality Mind Map

quality management mind map, quality management mindmap
This solution extends ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with Quality Management Mind Maps (Presentations, Meeting Agendas, Problem to be solved).

MindMap Presentation

Mindmap Presentation. Present Mindmaps via Skype with ConceptDraw MINDMAP.

Evernote, mindmap, mind map, mindmapping tools Note Exchange

Evernote, mindmap, mind map, mindmapping tools
This solution extends ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with the ability to exchange with Evernote, and access mind maps anywhere, on any computer or mobile device via Evernote.

marketing diagram, marketing mind map Marketing Area

marketing diagram, marketing mind map
The solutions from Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park collect templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils for drawing the marketing diagrams and mind maps.

project managrmrnt, planning, meeting, dashboards, teams, presentation, solution park Project Management Area

project managrmrnt, planning, meeting, dashboards, teams, presentation, solution park
Project Management area provides Toolbox solutions to support solving issues related to planning, tracking, milestones, events, resource usage, and other typical project management functions.

Project Management, project team, project, organization charts, project calendar, human resources managers, solution park PM Teams

Project Management, project team, project, organization charts, project calendar, human resources managers, solution park
This solution extends ConceptDraw Office 2.0 products with a single information space for messaging to teams.