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How To Create Project Report

ConceptDraw PROJECT contains an extensive tool set to help project managers. The rich data visualization capability that is provided by ConceptDraw products helps you create project dashboards, one-click reports, multi-project views, Gantt charts, and resource views. Let′s learn how to get maximum value using ConceptDraw PROJECT!

How to Track Your Project Plan vs. the Actual Project Condition

Conceptdraw PROJECT allows to follow how the project is going. You can easily compare the actual project data with the planned ones. The best tool for effective tracking of the project execution is to compoare real data with project baseline. It consists from the baseline start, baseline finish and baseline cost. Along with Baseline tracking ConceptDraw PROJECT offers several types of visual reports that can help to assess visually the difference between planned and actual project data.

How to Create Project Dashboard on PC

The visual Project Dashboard within ConceptDraw Office is the best way to deliver a clear view of project performance to all project participants.

How to Publish Project Reports on the Web Using ConceptDraw PRO

Reporting is an important part of project management. Every project manager is regularly asked how the project is progressing. ConceptDraw Office offers different ways in which to provide a project status.

How to Export Project Data to MS Excel Worksheet

You can share your ConceptDraw PROJECT files with colleagues who use MS Excel®using the export capabilities of ConceptDraw PROJECT.

How to Manage Multiple Projects on Windows

ConceptDraw PROJECT lets you to track multiple projects at the same time.

How to Report Task's Execution with Gantt Chart

ConceptDraw PROJECT’s powerful reporting engine lets you generate a set of tabular reports with just one click, or visualize your project as Radial Tasks Structures, Work Breakdown Structures and Resource Calendars. It also provides you with dynamic Project Dashboards.

How to Create Presentation of Your Project Gantt Chart

During the planning, discussing and execution of a project you may need to prepare a presentation using project views such as the Gantt Chart, Multiproject Dashboard or Resource Usage View. It’s easy do with ConceptDraw PROJECT!

Project —Task Trees and Dependencies

Users new to ConceptDraw PROJECT will find the Basic lessons an essential platform for familiarizing themselves with the program′s functions. This video lesson will teach you how to set up task trees and dependencies.

How to Report on Project Milestones Using a Mind Map

It's often necessary to report on project milestones while your project is under way. You can generate the Milestone report Mind Map.

How to Use ConceptDraw PROJECT Micro - Reports

Microreport is a tool to help you communicate better with your project team.
How To Plan and Implement Projects Faster with ConceptDraw Office
How To Plan and Implement Projects Faster with ConceptDraw Office

Project — Assigning Resources

Users new to ConceptDraw PROJECT will find the Basic lessons an essential platform for familiarizing themselves with the program′s functions. Learn how to assign resources to tasks in ConceptDraw PROJECT with this comprehensive video lesson.

How to Identify Project Milestones

Tips on how to set milestones in a project file

How to Generate ConceptDraw PROJECT Standard Reports on PC

The reporting capabilities of ConceptDraw PROJECT are really impressive. This section will help you find out what useful information can be obtained when using ConceptDraw PROJECT standard reports.

Advanced printing in ConceptDraw Project

ConceptDraw PROJECT has flexible print settings that allowing you to easily print your project data to suite any need.