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Clipart School Example

It’s very easy, quick and convenient create professional looking illustrations, diagrams for your documents, presentations and websites with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM vector drawing software.

This picture shows the School clipart from the 'Buildings and Puzzles' library of the Artwork Solution.

Using the Solution You Can Create:

  • Architecture Cliparts,
  • Food Cliparts,
  • Music Cliparts,
  • Funny Animals Cliparts,
  • Aquatic Animals, Fauna and Transport Cliparts,
  • Entertainment Cliparts,
  • State Flags Cliparts.
Clipart School *

Example.1. Clipart School

Artwork Solution from the Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides the libraries with large collection of ready-to-use predesigned objects, templates and samples to help you create visual and beautiful illustrations.

See also Samples:

This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the Bubble Diagrams Solution from the "Diagrams" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. This sample clearly shows the Four Dimensions Bubble Diagram of the distribution of chlorine contaminant in the water source. This Bubble Diagram is very useful in the chemistry, hydrology, and ecology.Four Dimensions Bubble Plot *
Picture: Four Dimensions Bubble Plot
Related Solution:
A list of parameters on which networks differ is very long. A large network with a range up to 50 kilometers is called metropolitan area network (MAN), and this type of network can include several local area networks. Metropolitan networks in their turn connect into global area networks. Here you will see a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). This is an extensive network which occupies a large territory including a few buildings or even the whole city. The space of the MAN is bigger than LAN, but lower than WAN. MAN comprise a lot of communication equipment and delivers the Internet connection to the LANs in the city area. Computer and Networks solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM provides a set of libraries with ready-to-use vector objects to design various kinds of computer networks.Metropolitan area networks (MAN). Computer and Network Examples
Picture: Metropolitan area networks (MAN). Computer and Network Examples
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Samples, templates and libraries contain vector clip art for drawing the Road Transport Illustrations.Road Transport - Design Elements *
Picture: Road Transport - Design Elements
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Any classroom is unique for the room layout, for the location of windows and lighting, the purposes of the classes are also different, so the arrangement of chalkboard and seating places will be different and must consider all these points. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with School and Training Plans Solution from the Building Plans Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park offers you the possibility to design the Classroom Seating Charts of any complexity.Classroom Seating Charts *
Picture: Classroom Seating Charts
Related Solution:
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful diagramming and vector drawing GUI software. Extended with Mac OS User Interface solution from the Software Development area, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is the best software for designing professional looking user interfaces for new OS X 10.10 Yosemite operating system developed for Macintosh computers. Mac OS User Interface solution offers you large quantity of Mac OS templates, samples and user interface design examples.Mac OS User Interface Design Examples *
Picture: Mac OS User Interface Design Examples
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Network Security Architecture Diagram visually reflects the network's structure and construction, and all actions undertaken for ensuring the network security which can be executed with help of software resources and hardware devices. You dream to find powerful software for easy designing Network Security Architecture Diagram? We recommend to use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Network Security Diagrams Solution from the Computer and Networks Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.Network Security Architecture Diagram
Picture: Network Security Architecture Diagram
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A technical drawing of a building is called an architectural drawing. According to a set of conventions, a building drawing includes a number of views, as well as unit measurements, scales, sheet sizes, cross referencing and annotation. Computer progress had a major impact of the methods of architectural drawing, making manual drawing almost obsolete. Digital drawing software, such as ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , offers a number of tools for each design element: piping plan, floor plan, etc. Any building should have its plumbing and piping plans for every room, that has a water supply. Plans are applied to indicate arrangement of piping system in the building. This diagram presents a suite of standard piping icons for making building plans that include plumbing and piping layout. This diagram was designed using ConceptDraw solution for Piping and Plumbing planning. Using symbols is valuable for making a valid piping plan. Because any professional will properly interpreted such plan as a piece of technical documentation of a construction project.Building Drawing. Design Element: Piping Plan *
Picture: Building Drawing. Design Element: Piping Plan
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Set of vector cliparts, samples, templates and libraries helps you to create all sorts of new imagesthe for Money Illustrations. Various styles of money design elements (currency symbols, clipart, money symbols) can be found in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Business and Finance Solution.Money - Design Elements *
Picture: Money - Design Elements
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Gant Chart is a graphical representation of tasks as segments on a time scale. It helps plan and monitor project development or resource allocation. The horizontal axis is a time scale, expressed either in absolute or relative time.Gant Chart in Project Management *
Picture: Gant Chart in Project Management
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ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software offers the School and Training Plans Solution from the Building Plans Area with extensive drawing tools, predesigned vector shapes and samples which are convenient for using as is or as classroom seating chart template.Classroom Seating Chart  Template *
Picture: Classroom Seating Chart Template
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