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Amazon Web Services, AWS, Amazon cloud AWS Architecture Diagrams

Amazon Web Services, AWS, Amazon cloud
AWS Architecture Diagrams with powerful drawing tools and numerous predesigned Amazon icons and AWS simple icons is the best for creation the AWS Architecture Diagrams, describing the use of Amazon Web Services or Amazon Cloud Services, their application for development and implementation the systems running on the AWS infrastructure. The multifarious samples give you the good understanding of AWS platform, its structure, services, resources and features, wide opportunities, advantages and benefits from their use; solution’s templates are essential and helpful when designing, description and implementing the AWS infrastructure-based systems. Use them in technical documentation, advertising and marketing materials, in specifications, presentation slides, whitepapers, datasheets, posters, etc.

Network Diagram Examples

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software includes huge collection of network diagrams examples, computer and network templates, design objects and stencils.

ConceptDraw Solution Park ConceptDraw Solution Park

ConceptDraw Solution Park
ConceptDraw Solution Park collects graphic extensions, examples and learning materials

enterprise architecture diagram, business architecture Enterprise Architecture Diagrams

enterprise architecture diagram, business architecture
Enterprise Architecture Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with templates, samples and library of vector stencils for drawing the diagrams of enterprise architecture models.

Diagrama de Topologia

DIAGRAM is a powerful drawing tool that changes the way diagrams are produced. ConceptDraw Arrows10 Technology - This is more than enough versatility to draw any type of diagram with any degree of complexity.

Diagrama de Topologia or Topology Diagram helps you see the big picture as you develop a service.
"Microsoft SharePoint is a Web application platform developed by Microsoft. First launched in 2001, SharePoint has historically been associated with intranet, content management and document management, but recent versions have significantly broader capabilities.
SharePoint comprises a multipurpose set of Web technologies backed by a common technical infrastructure. By default, SharePoint has a Microsoft Office-like interface, and it is closely integrated with the Office suite. The web tools are designed to be usable by non-technical users. SharePoint can be used to provide intranet portals, document & file management, collaboration, social networks, extranets, websites, enterprise search, and business intelligence. It also has system integration, process integration, and workflow automation capabilities.
Enterprise application software (e.g. ERP or CRM packages) often provide some SharePoint integration capability, and SharePoint also incorporates a complete development stack based on web technologies and standards-based APIs. As an application platform, SharePoint provides central management, governance, and security controls for implementation of these requirements. The SharePoint platform integrates directly into IIS - enabling bulk management, scaling, and provisioning of servers, as is often required by large organizations or cloud hosting providers." [Microsoft SharePoint. Wikipedia]
The AWS architecture diagram example "SharePoint server reference architecture for public-facing website scenario" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the AWS Architecture Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
AWS architecture diagram
AWS architecture diagram, virtual private cloud, users, server contents, object, internet gateway, instance, generic database, client, availability zone, VPC subnet, Elastic Load Balancing, DB on instance, AWS cloud,

Interactive Voice Response Network Diagram

ConceptDraw solution Computer and Networks provides Interactive Voice Response samples, templates and library of 35 vector stencils for drawing the IVR network diagrams.
Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software enhanced with solution Computer and Networks to visualize the logical and physical structure of IVR systems for inbound and outbound call centers and voice mail systems.

Network Hubs

Special libraries of highly detailed, accurate shapes and computer graphics, servers, hubs, switches, printers, mainframes, face plates, routers etc.