How to Use the Effort-Driven Scheduling Method
The idea of Effort-driven scheduling in project management is that each project task can be scheduled and assumed basing to the amount of the available work hours. Effort-driven scheduling is used as the default method of project scheduling in ConceptDraw PROJECT. This means that task duration, units, and work amount for individual assignment depend on the entire work, required for a given task. Whether you add or remove resources, the total work amount still the same, while the ConceptDraw PROJECT regulates the duration of task or units assigned for the given resources.How to Create Presentation of Your Project Gantt Chart
During the planning, discussing and execution of a project you may need to prepare a presentation using project views such as the Gantt Chart, Multiproject Dashboard or Resource Usage View. It’s easy do with ConceptDraw PROJECT!HelpDesk
What Information to be Displayed in the ConceptDraw PROJECT Gantt Chart View
What information can can contain the project task list? Gantt Chart view is a graphical representation of a project outline that allows one to allocate tasks.You can customize a project’s tasks list view to include the columns you need to meet your information requirements. The columns of the ConceptDraw PROJECT Gantt view contain the information you want to capture about each task in your project. The following article details what information can be contained in the columns of a project outline.HelpDesk
How to Track Your Project Plan vs. the Actual Project Condition
ConceptDraw PROJECT allows following how the project is going. You can easily compare the actual project data with the planned ones. The best tool for effective tracking of the project execution is to compare real data with the project baseline. It consists of the baseline start, baseline finish and baseline cost. Along with Baseline tracking ConceptDraw PROJECT offers several types of visual reports that can help to assess visually the difference between planned and actual project data.HelpDesk
How to Create Multiple Projects Schedule on macOS
ConceptDraw PROJECT lets you group separate projects into a multiproject that can share a common resource pool and a synchronized task schedule. ConceptDraw PROJECT allows you run multiple projects in the same file and even to group projects together.HelpDesk
How to Customize Columns in Your Project Schedule
Some ConceptDraw PROJECT users need to start new projects from their custom default page. In this post, we tell you how to make it.HelpDesk
How to Plan Projects Effectively Using Solutions
You can turn a project mind map into a Gantt chart. The advanced data exchange capabilities of ConceptDraw MINDMAP and ConceptDraw PROJECT allows you to view your mind map as a Gantt chart. This way you are switching between views of the same file.HelpDesk
How to Create a Mind Map from Selected Tasks in Project
You can see the project data in a mind map structure by creating a mind map from the selected project tasks.HelpDesk
How to Generate Tabular Reports in ConceptDraw PROJECT for macOS
Project reporting is one of the key functions of effective project management. Using regular project reports, a project manager can constantly track and analyze the project’s execution. This analytic process can help to ensure that the team reaches the best possible solutions. ConceptDraw PROJECT is a professional software tool for project management with the advanced mechanism of reporting. You can create the set of regular reports on project activities, task statuses, cash flow and assignments in MS Excel format. Mind map reports are also available.How to Create Gantt Chart
To begin managing a new project, you will need to define the individual Tasks that must be completed to deliver it. The default view for a new project in ConceptDraw PROJECT is the Gantt Chart.- How to Set a Project Baseline Using ConceptDraw PROJECT | How ...
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