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The vector stencil library "HVAC control equipment" contains 81 HVAC control equipment icons.
Use it for drawing HVAC system diagrams, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, automated building control, and environmental control design floor
plans and equipment layouts.
"HVAC (stands for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) is a control system that applies regulation to a heating and/ or air conditioning system. Usually a sensing device is used to compare the actual state (e.g., temperature) with a target state. Then the control system draws a conclusion what action has to be taken (e.g., start the blower).
More complex HVAC systems can interface to Building Automation System (BAS) to allow the building owners to have more control over the heating or cooling units. The building owner can monitor the system and respond to alarms generated by the system from local or remote locations." [HVAC control system. Wikipedia]
The vector stencils example "Design elements - HVAC control equipment" is included in HVAC Plans solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution
HVAC control equipment symbols
HVAC control equipment symbols, water flow meter, vane axial fan, pitch control, valve, unit heater, supply duct, return duct, refrigerant liquid, refrigerant discharge, pump, propeller fan, pipe flow arrow, pipe, multi fan section, medium-pressure steam, medium-pressure return, makeup water, magnetic, starter, low-pressure steam, low-pressure return, humidifier, humidification line, hot water heating supply, hot water heating return, high-pressure steam, high-pressure return, heating, cooling, coil, heat exchanger, plate and tube, fuel oil vent, fuel oil suction, fuel oil return, filter, feedwater pump discharge, fan coil housing, equipment, duct extension, duct, drain, damper, cooling tower, converter, condenser water supply, condenser water return, condensate or vacuum pump discharge, compressed air, chiller, chilled water supply, chilled water return, centrifugal fan, boiler blow off, boiler
, air relief line, air flow station, VSD, variable speed drive, VAV box, variable air volume box, DD-VAV box, double, duct, variable air volume box, VAV box, constant volume box, CV box,

Interior Design. Registers, Drills and Diffusers — Design Elements

If you ever need to draw to create design interior using design elements, all necessary symbols can be taken from all of our numerous libraries, including Registers, Drills and Diffusers one, which contains 47 symbols.
The vector stencils library "HVAC equipment" contains 26 symbols of HVAC equipment. Use it for drawing HVAC system diagrams, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, automated building control and environmental control system layout floor plans in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the HVAC Plans solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Rotary pump
Rotary pump, rotary pump, compressor, fan,
Pump, pump,
Centrifugal pump
Centrifugal pump, centrifugal pump, centrifugal compressor,
Fan blades, hor.
Fan blades, hor., fan blades,
Fan blades, vert.
Fan blades, vert., fan blades,
Fan blades, 4
Fan blades, 4, fan blades,
Reciprocating pump
Reciprocating pump, reciprocating pump, reciprocating compressor,
Screw pump
Screw pump, rotary, screw pump, screw compressor,
Centrifugal fan
Centrifugal fan, centrifugal fan,
Centrifugal fan 2
Centrifugal fan 2, centrifugal fan,
Axial fan
Axial fan, axial fan,
Axial fan 2
Axial fan 2, axial fan,
Moisture eliminator
Moisture eliminator, moisture eliminator,
Condenser, condenser,
Condenser, plate type
Condenser, plate type, condenser, water cooled,
Condenser, coil type
Condenser, coil type, condenser, water cooled,
Air filter
Air filter, air filter,
Dryer, dryer,
Silencer, silencer,
Silencer 2
Silencer 2, silencer,
Pipe coil
Pipe coil, pipe coil,
Pipe coil, fins
Pipe coil, fins, pipe coil,
Pipe coil, plate
Pipe coil, plate, pipe coil,
Pipe coil, plate, fins
Pipe coil, plate, fins, pipe coil,
Refrigerant receiver
Refrigerant receiver, refrigerant receiver,
Chiller, chiller,

Interior Design. Office Layout Plan Design Element

While developing an office layout, it is important to choose a right office space. One should take into account that some layouts are suitable for frequent communication among employees and are inappropriate for a high level of concentration, and vice versa, private offices are not convenient for frequent communication.
ConceptDraw Building Drawing Tools - draw simple office layout plans easily with Office Layout Plan Design Element. Use it to draw office interior design floor plans, office furniture and equipment layouts, and blueprints for facilities management, move management, office supply inventories, assets inventories, office space planning.
How to Draw a Floor Plan
How to Draw a Floor Plan