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The vector stencils library "Android lists" contains 29 list elements.
Use it to design user interface of your software applications for Android OS with ConceptDraw PRO software.
The shapes example "Design elements - Android lists" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
List elements
List elements, two-line list, three-line list, switch on, switch off, single-line list item, single-line list, list subheader, list item, list divider, icon square, icon placeholder, icon square, expanded single-line item, checkbox outline, checkbox, avatar,

Star Network Topology

The Computer and Networks solution from Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides examples, templates and vector stencils library with symbols of local area network (LAN) and wireless LAN (WLAN) equipment.
Use it to draw the physical and logical network topology diagrams for wired and wireless computer communication networks.
Create Network Topology Diagram
Create Network Topology Diagram
The vector stencils library "Progressive disclosure controls" contains 12 icons of Windows 8 progressive disclosure controls.
Use it to design graphic user interface (GUI) prototypes of your software applications for Windows 8.
"With a progressive disclosure control, users can show or hide additional information including data, options, or commands. Progressive disclosure promotes simplicity by focusing on the essential, yet revealing additional detail as needed. ...
Chevrons show or hide the remaining items in completely or partially hidden content. Usually the items are shown in place, but they can also be shown in a pop-up menu. When in place, the item stays expanded until the user collapses it. ...
Arrows show a pop-up command menu. The item stays expanded until the user makes a selection or clicks anywhere.
If the arrow button is an independent control, it receives input focus and is activated with the space bar. If the arrow button has a parent control, the parent receives input focus and the arrow is activated with Alt+down arrow and Alt+up arrow keys, as with the drop-down list control. ...
Plus and minus controls expand or collapse to show container content in place when navigating through a hierarchy. The item stays expanded until the user collapses it. Although these look like buttons, their behavior is in-place.
The associated object receives input focus. The plus is activated with the right arrow key, and the minus with the left arrow key. ...
Rotating triangles show or hide additional information in place for an individual item. They are also used to expand containers. The item stays expanded until the user collapses it.
The associated object receives input focus. The collapsed (right-pointing) triangle is activated with the right arrow key, and the expanded (downward-pointing) triangle with the left arrow key. ...
Like chevrons, additional information is shown or hidden in place. The item stays expanded until the user collapses it. Unlike chevrons, the glyphs have a graphical representation of the action, typically with an arrow indicating what will happen. ... Preview arrows are best reserved for situations where a standard chevron doesn't adequately communicate the control's behavior, such as when the disclosure is complex or there is more than one type of disclosure." [ en-us/ library/ windows/ desktop/ dn742409%28v=vs.85%29.aspx]
The icons example "Progressive disclosure controls - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Windows 8 User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Single chevron control - down
Single chevron control - down, progressive disclosure controls,
Single chevron control - up
Single chevron control - up, progressive disclosure controls,
Double chevron control - back
Double chevron control - back, progressive disclosure controls,
Double chevron control - forward
Double chevron control - forward, progressive disclosure controls,
Arrow control button - down
Arrow control button - down, arrow control,
Arrow control button - right
Arrow control button - right, arrow control,
Arrow control - down
Arrow control - down, arrow control,
Arrow control - right
Arrow control - right, arrow control,
Plus control
Plus control, progressive disclosure controls, plus control, expand,
Minus control
Minus control, progressive disclosure controls, minus control, collapse,
Rotating triangle - expand
Rotating triangle - expand, progressive disclosure controls, triangle control,
Rotating triangle - collapse
Rotating triangle - collapse, progressive disclosure controls, triangle control,

BPMN standard, Business Process Diagram, BPMN, Business Process Business Process Diagrams

BPMN standard, Business Process Diagram, BPMN, Business Process
Business Process Diagrams solution extends the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM BPM software with RapidDraw interface, templates, samples and numerous libraries based on the BPMN 1.2 and BPMN 2.0 standards, which give you the possibility to visualize equally easy simple and complex processes, to design business models, to quickly develop and document in details any business processes on the stages of project’s planning and implementation.

BPMN 2.0

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software offers the Business Process Diagram Solution from the Business Processes Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park with powerful tools to help you easy represent the business processes and create the business process diagrams based on BPMN 2.0 standard.

android ui design, android gui, android ui design tool, android user interface Android User Interface‏

android ui design, android gui, android ui design tool, android user interface
The Android User Interface solution allows ConceptDraw DIAGRAM act as an Android UI design tool. Libraries and templates contain a variety of Android GUI elements to help users create images based on Android UI design.

flow chart software, flowchart maker, flowchart, flow chart Flowcharts

flow chart software, flowchart maker, flowchart, flow chart
The Flowcharts solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a comprehensive set of examples and samples in several varied color themes for professionals that need to represent graphically a process. Solution value is added by the basic flow chart template and shapes' libraries of flowchart notation. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM flow chart creator lets one depict the processes of any complexity and length, as well as design the Flowchart either vertically or horizontally.

BPMN, BPMN 2.0, business process model and notation Business Process Model and Notation

BPMN, BPMN 2.0, business process model and notation
Business Process Model and Notation Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is helpful for modeling the business processes of any degree of complexity, documenting them and effective creating diagrams using the BPMN 2.0 standard.


You need to draw professional looking BPMN diagrams quick and easy? Pay please your attention on ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software. Extended with Business Process Diagram Solution from the Business Processes Area it will be ideal for your.

business processes, business management, plan projects Business Package for Management

business processes, business management, plan projects
Package intended for professional who designing and documenting business processes, preparing business reports, plan projects and manage projects, manage organizational changes, prepare operational instructions, supervising specific department of an organization, workout customer service processes and prepare trainings for customer service personal, carry out a variety of duties to organize business workflow.

Example of DFD for Online Store (Data Flow Diagram)

Data flow diagrams (DFDs) reveal relationships among and between the various components in a program or system. DFDs are an important technique for modeling a system’s high-level detail by showing how input data is transformed to output results through a sequence of functional transformations.
Example of DFD for Online Store shows the Data Flow Diagram for online store and interactions between the Visitors, Customers and Sellers, as well as Website Information and User databases.
Steps to Creating a Sales Process Flow Chart
Steps to Creating a Sales Process Flow Chart

Android User Interface

Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently developed by Google.
One of the most important features of any Android app is, of course, its Android User Interface. It is all what the user sees on the screen of its device and interacts with. Creating of successful Android User Interface and developing Android UI prototypes may be the mighty task. But we recommend you to make it fast and easy in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM specially extended with Android User Interface Solution from the Software Development Area.

australia map, map of australia, map australia Australia Map

australia map, map of australia, map australia
For graphic artists creating accurate maps of Australia. The Australia Map solution - allows designers to map Australia for their needs, offers a collection of scalable graphics representing the political geography of Australia, split into distinct state

Android GUI

Android is an operating system based on the Linux kernel and developed by Google for smartphones, tablet computers, electronic books, netbooks, smartbooks, digital players, watches, game consoles, TV and other devices.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Android User Interface Solution from the Software Development Area is a powerful software with extensive drawing tools which can help you to build the intelligible, attractive and easy for perception Android GUI for your application.