Project Reports — Resource Usage Loading

The main objective of the report is to provide the information on the project which necessary and relevant for this moment. To achieve the maximal effect from the report, you must clearly understand what data are demanded by those to whom it will be offered. This allows to identify correctly the type of created report and helps to make the report with a focus on those moments that are really interesting for this stakeholder.

ConceptDraw PROJECT allows you to create the reports of varied types and kinds, you can choose the type at your own discretion and in accordance with your needs. Some kinds of reports represent in a brief form the general information according to the project, others vice versa allow to present the data in details with a focus on specific topics and moments. In large companies the reports are generally formed with different degrees of detail for various ranks of executives. Thus for example, the director of the company in which are implemented several projects at the same time, usually requires the general reports for each project, he is eager to know at what stage of implementation is each of them with a goal to evaluate and compare the degrees of their success. The more detailed information on each separate project is regularly provided to the appropriate project manager.

The specialized software ConceptDraw PROJECT has wide opportunities according to generating the reports. It contains a great variety of templates and allows any ConceptDraw PROJECT user easily create the report of any orientation and level of detail. This way gives a perfect ability to analyze the tasks and objectives, and to communicate effectively with your team, executives and stakeholders.

Project Reports — Resource Usage Loading

Pic 1. Project Reports — Resource Usage Loading

To generate some specific report, click its name at the Reports drop-down list on the Reports toolbar in ConceptDraw PROJECT application. The user can use the ready built-in report template with default settings or customize it by choosing desired reporting period. The group of “Resource usage loading” templates is available and offers for choice two types of reports:

  • Who does what loading in %
  • Who does what loading.

The “Who does what loading in %” item reports for each project the table of employees loading in % during the week periods and the total loading during the overall reporting period in hours. These percent values are calculated in accordance with values of resources' loading in tasks measured in hours and an established standard of working hours per week for this project, which is set in Document Properties dialog. For each project from multiproject is allotted the separate page in this report. You can customize the reporting period at the Reports dialog that opens after clicking on the Customize reports command from the Reports drop-down menu on Reports toolbar at the program.

The “Who does what loading” item lets report the table of employees loading in hours for the fixed reporting period and for each week during this period. The data for each project from the multiproject are represented on an individual report sheet. The reporting period can be changed at any moment, by default it is a current month.

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