This HR infographics example was designed on the base of flowchart "Hiring Process" from the website of the Idaho Division of Human Resources.
"... hiring process flowchart outlining the steps to fill a vacant position." [ hiringprocess.html]
"What is a hiring list and what are they for?
A hiring list consists of applicants who completed and passed the examination for a vacant classified position.
The applicants are ranked on the hiring list in order from highest to lowest score." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ Hiring%20 List%20 Guidance.pdf]
Announcing a vacant position benefits the agency by allowing a wide array of applicants the opportunity to compete for job openings, resulting in a more qualified employee. The State Merit System requires all appointments, promotions and separations in the classified service to be based on competence, valid job requirements, and individual performance." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ Announcement.pdf]
"Conducting A Lawful Employment Interview.
Interviewing prospective employees is one of the most important activities employers do. The employer’s objective of an interview is to determine whether an applicant is suitable for an available position. The interview provides the employer an opportunity to obtain in-depth information about a job applicant’s skills, work history, and employment background for this purpose." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ Conducting%20 a%20 Lawful%20 Employment%20 Interview.pdf]
"Reference Checks.
References should be checked after a successful interview with a candidate, but before you offer them the position. If after interviewing there are several candidates that are qualified for the position, reference checks are also a way to further distinguish who might best fit within your agency." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ Reference%20 Checks.pdf]
"Making the job offer.
Before offering the position to your selected candidate, be sure to speak with your HR and fiscal staff. They may have some suggestions for negotiating the starting salary, etc.
Job Offer Letter.
... A job offer letter should be given to the newly hired employee after you have verbally negotiated the terms of employment. This letter confirms the conditions of employment the selected candidate has accepted and gives them information for their first day." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ Making%20 the%20 job%20 offer.pdf]
To ensure compliance with the Governor’s Executive Order 2009-10, all
State Agencies are encouraged to participate in E-verify.
E-verify is an internet based system that allows an employer, using information reported on an employee’s Form I-9, to determine the eligibility of that employee to work in the United States.
The E-Verify system is operated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in partnership with the Social Security Administration and its use is free of charge to employers." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ EVerify%20 Statement.pdf]
"New Hire Paperwork.
There are several important forms for the new employee to fill out." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ New%20 Hire%20 Paperwork.pdf]
"Probationary Period.
All appointments and promotions into classified positions require a probationary period of 1,040 hours
except for peace officers who must serve 2,080 hours.
The probationary period is a working test period to evaluate the work performance of the employee and to determine their suitability for the position." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ Probationary%20 Period%20 for%20 Hiring%20 Process.pdf]
The HR infographics example "Hiring process workflow" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the HR Flowcharts solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
"... hiring process flowchart outlining the steps to fill a vacant position." [ hiringprocess.html]
"What is a hiring list and what are they for?
A hiring list consists of applicants who completed and passed the examination for a vacant classified position.
The applicants are ranked on the hiring list in order from highest to lowest score." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ Hiring%20 List%20 Guidance.pdf]
Announcing a vacant position benefits the agency by allowing a wide array of applicants the opportunity to compete for job openings, resulting in a more qualified employee. The State Merit System requires all appointments, promotions and separations in the classified service to be based on competence, valid job requirements, and individual performance." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ Announcement.pdf]
"Conducting A Lawful Employment Interview.
Interviewing prospective employees is one of the most important activities employers do. The employer’s objective of an interview is to determine whether an applicant is suitable for an available position. The interview provides the employer an opportunity to obtain in-depth information about a job applicant’s skills, work history, and employment background for this purpose." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ Conducting%20 a%20 Lawful%20 Employment%20 Interview.pdf]
"Reference Checks.
References should be checked after a successful interview with a candidate, but before you offer them the position. If after interviewing there are several candidates that are qualified for the position, reference checks are also a way to further distinguish who might best fit within your agency." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ Reference%20 Checks.pdf]
"Making the job offer.
Before offering the position to your selected candidate, be sure to speak with your HR and fiscal staff. They may have some suggestions for negotiating the starting salary, etc.
Job Offer Letter.
... A job offer letter should be given to the newly hired employee after you have verbally negotiated the terms of employment. This letter confirms the conditions of employment the selected candidate has accepted and gives them information for their first day." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ Making%20 the%20 job%20 offer.pdf]
To ensure compliance with the Governor’s Executive Order 2009-10, all
State Agencies are encouraged to participate in E-verify.
E-verify is an internet based system that allows an employer, using information reported on an employee’s Form I-9, to determine the eligibility of that employee to work in the United States.
The E-Verify system is operated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in partnership with the Social Security Administration and its use is free of charge to employers." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ EVerify%20 Statement.pdf]
"New Hire Paperwork.
There are several important forms for the new employee to fill out." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ New%20 Hire%20 Paperwork.pdf]
"Probationary Period.
All appointments and promotions into classified positions require a probationary period of 1,040 hours
except for peace officers who must serve 2,080 hours.
The probationary period is a working test period to evaluate the work performance of the employee and to determine their suitability for the position." [ PDF%20 documents/ Flowchart/ Probationary%20 Period%20 for%20 Hiring%20 Process.pdf]
The HR infographics example "Hiring process workflow" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the HR Flowcharts solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
This example of automated payroll management system UML activity diagram was created on the base of figure on the webpage "Automated payroll management system" from
"In the Philippines and in other foreign countries the government has a trend to embrace automation for process efficiency. One of the processes that are being automated is the payroll process. Payroll is the total amount required to pay workers and employees during a week, month or other period.
One of the government offices that desires to automate their payroll system is the NSO Camarines Sur which is located 2nd Floor MMCN Building, Panganiban Avenue, Naga City. The National Statistics Office (NSO) envisions to be recognized as a world-class provider of statistical and civil registration products and services and lives with its mission to produces and provides quality statistical and civil registration products and services. ...
The project seeks to create an Information System Plan for an Automated Payroll Management System. ...
The creation of the Information System Plan will benefit the accounting section of the organization. Specifically it is significant to:
1. Administrative Assistants. It will help to lessen time and effort in preparing and computing the salary of the employee.
2. NSO. It will help the organization to be more productive and efficient."
[ ]
This file is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 License. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ ]
This UML activity diagram example modeling the automated payroll management system using automated teller machine (ATM) was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
"In the Philippines and in other foreign countries the government has a trend to embrace automation for process efficiency. One of the processes that are being automated is the payroll process. Payroll is the total amount required to pay workers and employees during a week, month or other period.
One of the government offices that desires to automate their payroll system is the NSO Camarines Sur which is located 2nd Floor MMCN Building, Panganiban Avenue, Naga City. The National Statistics Office (NSO) envisions to be recognized as a world-class provider of statistical and civil registration products and services and lives with its mission to produces and provides quality statistical and civil registration products and services. ...
The project seeks to create an Information System Plan for an Automated Payroll Management System. ...
The creation of the Information System Plan will benefit the accounting section of the organization. Specifically it is significant to:
1. Administrative Assistants. It will help to lessen time and effort in preparing and computing the salary of the employee.
2. NSO. It will help the organization to be more productive and efficient."
[ ]
This file is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 License. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ ]
This UML activity diagram example modeling the automated payroll management system using automated teller machine (ATM) was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
This double bar chart sample shows the nitrate concentration in milligrams per liter in Community Water Systems (CWS), mean and maximum by year, in New Mexico in 1999-2015. It was drawn using data from the New Mexico's Indicator-Based Information System (NM-IBIS) website. [ indicator/ complete_ profile/ CommWaterNitrates.html]
"Nitrate toxicity is a preventable cause of methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome), especially in infants. Infants younger than 4 months of age are at greatest risk of toxicity from nitrate-contaminated drinking water.
These infants are more susceptible to developing methemoglobinemia because the pH of their gut is normally higher (less acidic) than in older children and adults. The higher pH enhances the conversion of ingested nitrate to the more toxic nitrite. The bacterial flora of a young infant's gut is also different from that found in older children and adults and might be more likely to convert ingested nitrate to nitrite. Gastroenteritis can increase body transformation of nitrate to nitrite and absorption into the bloodstream of nitrite from the large intestine.
A large proportion of hemoglobin in young infants is in the form of fetal hemoglobin. Fetal hemoglobin is more readily oxidized to methemoglobin (MHg) by nitrites than is adult hemoglobin. In addition, in infants, the enzyme (NADH-dependent methemoglobin reductase) responsible for reduction of formed MHg back to normal hemoglobin has only about half the activity it has in adults.
Symptoms such as shortness of breath and bluish skin coloring around the mouth, hands, or feet, can occur in infants rapidly over a period of days. If the condition is severe, it could lead to convulsions, coma, and even death, if untreated. Most older children and adults can take in larger amounts of nitrate without experiencing the same health effects as infants. However, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and people with low stomach acid conditions or those deficient in an enzyme that changes MHg back to normal hemoglobin are more susceptible to nitrate-induced methemoglobinemia and could be affected by water with nitrate levels above 10 mg/ L.
Adverse reproductive outcomes such as spontaneous abortions, intrauterine growth retardation, and various birth defects such as anencephaly have been reported in scientific literature from exposure to high nitrate levels in drinking water; however, the evidence is inconsistent.
Little is known about possible health effects from high nitrate level exposure over a long period of time. However, some studies suggest that there might be a risk of stomach, esophageal or bladder cancers in people with prolonged ingestion of high levels of nitrate. This might be due to the formation of nitrosoamines in the body following ingestion exposure to high levels of nitrate.
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified ingested nitrate or nitrite as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A) under conditions that result in formation of nitroso-compounds (e.g., nitrosoamines) in the body (endogenous nitrosation)." [ indicator/ view/ CommWaterNitrates.MeanMax.Year.html]
The column chart example "Nitrate concentration in Community Water Systems (CWS)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Bar Graphs solution from the Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
"Nitrate toxicity is a preventable cause of methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome), especially in infants. Infants younger than 4 months of age are at greatest risk of toxicity from nitrate-contaminated drinking water.
These infants are more susceptible to developing methemoglobinemia because the pH of their gut is normally higher (less acidic) than in older children and adults. The higher pH enhances the conversion of ingested nitrate to the more toxic nitrite. The bacterial flora of a young infant's gut is also different from that found in older children and adults and might be more likely to convert ingested nitrate to nitrite. Gastroenteritis can increase body transformation of nitrate to nitrite and absorption into the bloodstream of nitrite from the large intestine.
A large proportion of hemoglobin in young infants is in the form of fetal hemoglobin. Fetal hemoglobin is more readily oxidized to methemoglobin (MHg) by nitrites than is adult hemoglobin. In addition, in infants, the enzyme (NADH-dependent methemoglobin reductase) responsible for reduction of formed MHg back to normal hemoglobin has only about half the activity it has in adults.
Symptoms such as shortness of breath and bluish skin coloring around the mouth, hands, or feet, can occur in infants rapidly over a period of days. If the condition is severe, it could lead to convulsions, coma, and even death, if untreated. Most older children and adults can take in larger amounts of nitrate without experiencing the same health effects as infants. However, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and people with low stomach acid conditions or those deficient in an enzyme that changes MHg back to normal hemoglobin are more susceptible to nitrate-induced methemoglobinemia and could be affected by water with nitrate levels above 10 mg/ L.
Adverse reproductive outcomes such as spontaneous abortions, intrauterine growth retardation, and various birth defects such as anencephaly have been reported in scientific literature from exposure to high nitrate levels in drinking water; however, the evidence is inconsistent.
Little is known about possible health effects from high nitrate level exposure over a long period of time. However, some studies suggest that there might be a risk of stomach, esophageal or bladder cancers in people with prolonged ingestion of high levels of nitrate. This might be due to the formation of nitrosoamines in the body following ingestion exposure to high levels of nitrate.
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified ingested nitrate or nitrite as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A) under conditions that result in formation of nitroso-compounds (e.g., nitrosoamines) in the body (endogenous nitrosation)." [ indicator/ view/ CommWaterNitrates.MeanMax.Year.html]
The column chart example "Nitrate concentration in Community Water Systems (CWS)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Bar Graphs solution from the Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
"A catalog merchant (catalogue merchant in British and Canadian English) is a form of retailing. The typical merchant sells a wide variety of household and personal products, with many emphasizing jewelry. Unlike a self-serve retail store, most of the items are not displayed; customers select the products from printed catalogs in the store and fill out an order form. The order is brought to the sales counter, where a clerk retrieves the items from the warehouse area to a payment and checkout station. ...
The catalog merchant has generally lower prices than other retailers and lower overhead expenses due to the smaller size of store and lack of large showroom space.
There are a few key benefits to this approach. By operating as an in-store catalog sales center, it could be exempt from the "Resale price maintenance" policy of the manufacturers, which can force conventional retailers to charge a minimum sales price to prevent price-cutting competition; it also reduces the risk of merchandise theft, known in the industry as shrinkage.
From the consumer's point of view, there are potential advantages and disadvantages. The catalog showroom approach allows customers to shop without having to carry their purchases throughout the store as they shop. Possible downsides include that customers may be required to give their contact information when an order is placed, take the time to fill out order forms, and wait a period of time for their order to be available for purchase. This wait may be days long, one of the chief vulnerabilities of the catalog showroom approach." [Catalog merchant. Wikipedia]
The UML use case diagram example "System of goods selling via catalogues" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Rapid UML solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
The catalog merchant has generally lower prices than other retailers and lower overhead expenses due to the smaller size of store and lack of large showroom space.
There are a few key benefits to this approach. By operating as an in-store catalog sales center, it could be exempt from the "Resale price maintenance" policy of the manufacturers, which can force conventional retailers to charge a minimum sales price to prevent price-cutting competition; it also reduces the risk of merchandise theft, known in the industry as shrinkage.
From the consumer's point of view, there are potential advantages and disadvantages. The catalog showroom approach allows customers to shop without having to carry their purchases throughout the store as they shop. Possible downsides include that customers may be required to give their contact information when an order is placed, take the time to fill out order forms, and wait a period of time for their order to be available for purchase. This wait may be days long, one of the chief vulnerabilities of the catalog showroom approach." [Catalog merchant. Wikipedia]
The UML use case diagram example "System of goods selling via catalogues" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Rapid UML solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
The vector stencils library "Constellations except Zodiac, Northern and Southern" contains 47 star constellation maps of all constellations except Zodiac, Northern (45-90 degrees) and Southern (45-90 degrees).
Use these shapes for drawing astronomical diagrams and illustrations in ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Use these shapes for drawing astronomical diagrams and illustrations in ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
The vector stencils library "Southern constellations" contains 22 icons of Southern constellations maps.
Use these star constellation charts for drawing astronomical diagrams and illustrations in ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Use these star constellation charts for drawing astronomical diagrams and illustrations in ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
This example of UML class diagram models bank account system.
"A bank account is a financial account between a bank customer and a financial institution. A bank account can be a deposit account, a credit card, or any other type of account offered by a financial institution. The financial transactions which have occurred within a given period of time on a bank account are reported to the customer on a bank statement and the balance of the account at any point in time is the financial position of the customer with the institution. a fund that a customer has entrusted to a bank and from which the customer can make withdrawals." [Bank account. Wikipedia]
This bank account system UML class diagram example was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
"A bank account is a financial account between a bank customer and a financial institution. A bank account can be a deposit account, a credit card, or any other type of account offered by a financial institution. The financial transactions which have occurred within a given period of time on a bank account are reported to the customer on a bank statement and the balance of the account at any point in time is the financial position of the customer with the institution. a fund that a customer has entrusted to a bank and from which the customer can make withdrawals." [Bank account. Wikipedia]
This bank account system UML class diagram example was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
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