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Create Sophisticated Professional Diagrams - Simply

ConceptDraw PRO is a powerful software that helps you create professional and easy drawing diagrams for business, technology, science and education.

How to Create Organizational Chart Quickly

Use ConceptDraw MINDMAP for generating structured data on organization structure and then ConceptDraw PRO for presenting the results as chart.

How to Connect Text Data to a Time Series Chart on Your Live Dashboard

Time Series Dashboard means an integration of some type of diagrams: Line Charts, Bar Charts, Column Charts, and Dot Plots on a single space. The ConceptDraw Time Series Dashboard solution can be used to create the interactive Time Series dashboard. The libraries of Time Series Charts solution contain the Live Objects, that can change their appearance depending on the external data. Each chart from the Time Series dashboard displays particular source data. You can include Time Series Charts in your business or technical dashboards to show and compare the items changing over time.
ConceptDraw Live Visual Dashboards
ConceptDraw Live Visual Dashboards