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The vector stencils library "Bank UML sequence diagram" contains 34 shapes for drawing UML sequence diagrams.
Use it for object-oriented modeling of your bank information system.
"A sequence diagram shows, as parallel vertical lines (lifelines), different processes or objects that live simultaneously, and, as horizontal arrows, the messages exchanged between them, in the order in which they occur. This allows the specification of simple runtime scenarios in a graphical manner.
Diagram building blocks.
If the lifeline is that of an object, it demonstrates a role. Leaving the instance name blank can represent anonymous and unnamed instances.
Messages, written with horizontal arrows with the message name written above them, display interaction. Solid arrow heads represent synchronous calls, open arrow heads represent asynchronous messages, and dashed lines represent reply messages. ...
Activation boxes, or method-call boxes, are opaque rectangles drawn on top of lifelines to represent that processes are being performed in response to the message (ExecutionSpecifications in UML).
Objects calling methods on themselves use messages and add new activation boxes on top of any others to indicate a further level of processing.
When an object is destroyed (removed from memory), an X is drawn on top of the lifeline, and the dashed line ceases to be drawn below it ...
A message sent from outside the diagram can be represented by a message originating from a filled-in circle (found message in UML) or from a border of the sequence diagram (gate in UML)." [Sequence diagram. Wikipedia]
This example of UML sequence diagram symbols for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
UML sequence diagram symbols
UML sequence diagram symbols, weak sequencing combined fragment, interaction operator seq, synchronous call, strict sequencing combined fragment, interaction operator strict, state invariant, constraint, reply message, parallel combined fragment, interaction operator par, option combined fragment, interaction operator opt, note, negative combined fragment, interaction operator neg, message to self, self message, self delegation, lost message, loop combined fragment, interaction operator loop, lifeline, interaction use, combined fragment, interaction operand, interaction constraint, gate, frame, found message, execution specification, entity, lifeline, destruction event, delete message, critical region combined fragment, interaction operator critical, create message, control, lifeline, continuation, state invariant, consider combined fragment, interaction operator consider, concurrent, comment note, break combined fragment, interaction operator break, boundary, lifeline, asynchronous call, assertion combined fragment, interaction operator assert, alternative combined fragment, interaction operator alt, alternatives, actor, lifeline,
The vector stencils library "Bank UML package diagram" contains 5 shapes for drawing UML package diagrams.
Use it for object-oriented modeling of your bank information system.
"A package diagram in the Unified Modeling Language depicts the dependencies between the packages that make up a model.
In addition to the standard UML Dependency relationship, there are two special types of dependencies defined between packages:
* package import,
* package merge.
1. Package: a general purpose mechanism for organizing model elements & diagrams into groups. It provides an encapsulated namespace within which all the names must be unique. It is used to group semantically related elements. It is a namespace as well as an element that can be contained in other packages' namespaces.
2. Class: a representation of an object that reflects its structure and behavior within the system. It is a template from which running instances are created. Classes usually describe the logical structure of the system.
3. Interface: a specification of behavior. An implementation class must be written to support the behavior of an interface class.
4. Object: an instance of a class. It is often used in analysis to represent an artifact or other item.
5. Table: a stereotyped class." [Package diagram. Wikipedia]
This example of UML package diagram symbols for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
UML package diagram symbols
UML package diagram symbols, package merge, package import, element import, package, dependency,
The vector stencils library "Bank UML class diagram" contains 19 shapes for drawing UML class diagrams.
Use it for object-oriented modeling of your bank information system.
"The class diagram is the main building block of object oriented modelling. It is used both for general conceptual modelling of the systematics of the application, and for detailed modelling translating the models into programming code. Class diagrams can also be used for data modeling. The classes in a class diagram represent both the main objects, interactions in the application and the classes to be programmed.
In the diagram, classes are represented with boxes which contain three parts:
* The top part contains the name of the class. It is printed in bold and centered, and the first letter is capitalized.
* The middle part contains the attributes of the class. They are left-aligned and the first letter is lowercase.
* The bottom part contains the methods the class can execute. They are also left-aligned and the first letter is lowercase.
In the design of a system, a number of classes are identified and grouped together in a class diagram which helps to determine the static relations between those objects. With detailed modelling, the classes of the conceptual design are often split into a number of subclasses." [Class diagram. Wikipedia]
This example of UML class diagram symbols for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
UML class diagram symbols
UML class diagram symbols, uml constraint, uml 2.5 class, template class, stereotyped class, required interface, interface, generalization, dependency, data type, comment, note, comment note, association, abstract class,
The vector stencils library "Bank UML timing diagram" contains 8 shapes for drawing UML timing diagrams.
Use it for object-oriented modeling of your bank information system.
"A timing diagram in the Unified Modeling Language 2.0 is a specific type of interaction diagram, where the focus is on timing constraints.
Timing diagrams are used to explore the behaviors of objects throughout a given period of time. A timing diagram is a special form of a sequence diagram. The differences between timing diagram and sequence diagram are the axes are reversed so that the time is increased from left to right and the lifelines are shown in separate compartments arranged vertically.
There are two basic flavors of timing diagram: the concise notation, and the robust notation." [Timing diagram. Wikipedia]
This example of UML timing diagram symbols for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
UML timing diagram symbols
UML timing diagram symbols, time intervals, time constraint, state timeline, condition timeline, lifeline, swimlane, lifeline, diagram frame, general value lifeline, duration constraint, interval constraint, destruction event, destruction occurrence specification,
The vector stencils library "Bank UML component diagram" contains 13 shapes for drawing UML component diagrams.
Use it for object-oriented modeling of your bank information system.
"A component is something required to execute a stereotype function. Examples of stereotypes in components include executables, documents, database tables, files, and library files.
Components are wired together by using an assembly connector to connect the required interface of one component with the provided interface of another component. This illustrates the service consumer - service provider relationship between the two components. ...
When using a component diagram to show the internal structure of a component, the provided and required interfaces of the encompassing component can delegate to the corresponding interfaces of the contained components. ...
This may have a visual stereotype in the top right of the rectangle of a small rectangle with two even smaller rectangles jutting out on the left.
The lollipop, a small circle on a stick represents an implemented or provided interface. The socket symbol is a semicircle on a stick that can fit around the lollipop. This socket is a dependency or needed interface." [Component diagram. Wikipedia]
This example of UML component diagram symbols for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
UML component diagram symbols
UML component diagram symbols, subsystem component, structured classifier, required interface, provided interface, port, generalization, dependency, usage, delegation connector, composition association, component, assembly connector, ball-and-socket, artifact,
The vector stencils library "Bank UML deployment diagram" contains 10 shapes for drawing UML deployment diagrams.
Use it for object-oriented modeling of your bank information system.
"A deployment diagram in the Unified Modeling Language models the physical deployment of artifacts on nodes. To describe a web site, for example, a deployment diagram would show what hardware components ("nodes") exist (e.g., a web server, an application server, and a database server), what software components ("artifacts") run on each node (e.g., web application, database), and how the different pieces are connected (e.g. JDBC, REST, RMI).
The nodes appear as boxes, and the artifacts allocated to each node appear as rectangles within the boxes. Nodes may have subnodes, which appear as nested boxes. A single node in a deployment diagram may conceptually represent multiple physical nodes, such as a cluster of database servers.
There are two types of Nodes:
1. Device Node.
2. Execution Environment Node.
Device nodes are physical computing resources with processing memory and services to execute software, such as typical computers or mobile phones. An execution environment node (EEN) is a software computing resource that runs within an outer node and which itself provides a service to host and execute other executable software elements." [Deployment diagram. Wikipedia]
This example of UML deployment diagram symbols for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
UML deployment diagram symbols
UML deployment diagram symbols, node, execution environment, device, deployment specification, deployment, communication path, artifact,
The vector stencils library "Bank UML interaction overview diagram" contains 11 shapes for drawing UML interaction overview diagrams.
Use it for object-oriented modeling of your bank information system.
"The interaction overview diagram is similar to the activity diagram, in that both visualize a sequence of activities. The difference is that, for an interaction overview, each individual activity is pictured as a frame which can contain a nested interaction diagrams. ...
The other notation elements for interaction overview diagrams are the same as for activity diagrams. These include initial, final, decision, merge, fork and join nodes. The two new elements in the interaction overview diagrams are the "interaction occurrences" and "interaction elements"." [Interaction overview diagram. Wikipedia]
This example of UML interaction overview diagram symbols for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
UML interaction overview diagram symbols
UML interaction overview diagram symbols, time constraint, interaction, frame, interaction use, combined fragment, initial node, fork node, join node, flow final node, duration constraint, interaction constraint, decision node, merge node, decision guard, activity final node,
The vector stencils library "Bank UML profile diagram" contains 9 shapes for drawing UML profile diagrams.
Use it for object-oriented modeling of your bank information system.
"A profile diagram operates at the metamodel level to show stereotypes as classes with the <> stereotype, and profiles as packages with the <> stereotype. The extension relation (solid line with closed, filled arrowhead) indicates what metamodel element a given stereotype is extending." [Profile diagram. Wikipedia]
This example of UML profile diagram symbols for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
UML profile diagram symbols
UML profile diagram symbols, stereotype, reference, profile application, profile, metaclass, extension, deployment specification,