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wireframe tools, wireframing, wire frame, website wireframe, interface design, wireframe examples Website Wireframe

wireframe tools, wireframing, wire frame, website wireframe, interface design, wireframe examples
The innovative Website Wireframe solution enhances the ConceptDraw PRO v10 functionality with newest wireframe tools, libraries with variety of predesigned icons, symbols, buttons, graphics, forms, boxes, and many other vector elements, templates and professionally designed samples, which make it the best wireframing software. Website Wireframe solution gives you significant advantages when designing and maintaining websites, creating skeletal and content-free depictions of website structure, making website prototypes and planning the content arrangement before committing to design, also speeds up the processes of sketching, producing and sharing wireframe examples of website style and interface design.

How to Develop Website Wireframes Using ConceptDraw PRO

Website design is a rather complicated process. The development of a website wireframe is an important step in any screen design process. The first step of this process before coding can start, web designer creates a website wireframe — a mock-up for what will be displayed on the screen when navigating through the web site pages. A wireframe design always includes three components:Information design, navigation design and interface design. The configuration of these components depends on the business model of the website. The Website Wireframing tools provided with ConceptDraw Website Wireframe solution helps to define the information hierarchy of website design, making it easier for web-developers to plan the layout according to how a site visitor have to process the information.

GUI development tool, GUI interface prototyping Graphic User Interface

GUI development tool, GUI interface prototyping
Graphic User Interface solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils for design of the GUI prototypes and diagrams for Windows, Mac OS and iOS software.

collaboration, diagram Collaboration Area

collaboration, diagram
The solutions from Collaboration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park extend ConceptDraw PRO and ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with features, samples, templates and vector stencils libraries for drawing diagrams and mindmaps useful for collaboration.