Venn Diagram — Relationship Marketing
This sample shows a Venn Diagram, which displays the components that make up relationship marketing, among them quality, customer service, and marketing. Relationship marketing is a specific form of marketing, which focuses not on the sales transactions, but on the customer retention and satisfaction, managing relationships with customers and establishment mainly the long term relationships. It supposes the development of effective marketing campaigns for achieving this goal, preference is given to the extension of the communication beyond the annoying advertising and sales promotional messages. This branch now rapidly develops due to extended Internet and mobile opportunities and opens new possibilities for the businesses. Relationship marketing can include PR, social media, search engine optimization, strategic content, and others.
It’s incredibly convenient, simple, and quick to draw a Venn Diagram even in an extended view using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with its predesigned objects. For clarity, the circles have different colors. The intersection of three circles is brightly highlighted with the lightest color.
Example 1. Venn Diagram — Relationship Marketing
This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software using the tools of Business Diagrams Solution from the Management Area. An experienced user spent 5 minutes creating this sample.