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The vector stencils library "Ecology pictograms" contains 20 icons of eco symbols. Use it to draw your ecological infographics. The example "Ecology pictograms - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Pictorial infographics solution from the area "What is infographics" in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Recycle, recycle, ecology, utilization,
Nature, nature, vegetation,
Flower, flower,
Butterfly, butterfly,
Earth, earth, globe,
Raindrop, raindrop,
Water supply
Water supply, water tap, water supply,
Eco house
Eco house, eco house,
Green home
Green home, green home,
Electric, electric,
Electric lamp
Electric lamp, electric lamp,
Energy saving bulb
Energy saving bulb, energy saving bulb,
Factory, factory, industry, power plant,
Power plant
Power plant, power plant,
Battery, battery, accumulator,
Bio fuel
Bio fuel, bio fuel, charging station,
Wind turbine
Wind turbine, wind turbine, windmill,
Solar power
Solar power, solar power, solar panels,
Eco, eco,
Human footprint
Human footprint, footprint, human footprint,
The vector stencils library "Ecology pictograms" contains 20 icons of eco symbols. Use it to draw your ecological infographics. The example "Ecology pictograms - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Pictorial infographics solution from the area "What is infographics" in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Recycle, recycle, ecology, utilization,
Nature, nature, vegetation,
Flower, flower,
Butterfly, butterfly,
Earth, earth, globe,
Raindrop, raindrop,
Water supply
Water supply, water tap, water supply,
Eco house
Eco house, eco house,
Green home
Green home, green home,
Electric, electric,
Electric lamp
Electric lamp, electric lamp,
Energy saving bulb
Energy saving bulb, energy saving bulb,
Factory, factory, industry, power plant,
Power plant
Power plant, power plant,
Battery, battery, accumulator,
Bio fuel
Bio fuel, bio fuel, charging station,
Wind turbine
Wind turbine, wind turbine, windmill,
Solar power
Solar power, solar power, solar panels,
Eco, eco,
Human footprint
Human footprint, footprint, human footprint,
The vector stencils library "Ecology pictograms" contains 20 ecological pictograms.
Use it to draw your eco illustrations, presentations, web pages and infographics.
The example "Design elements - Ecology pictograms" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Pictorial Infographic solution from the area "What is infographics" in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Eco pictograms
Eco pictograms, wind turbine, windmill, water tap, water supply, solar power, solar panels, recycle, ecology, utilization, raindrop, power plant, nature, vegetation, green home, footprint, human footprint, flower, factory, industry, power plant, energy saving bulb, electric lamp, electric, eco house, eco, earth, globe, butterfly, bio fuel, charging station, battery, accumulator,

Cross-functional flowchart landscape, U.S. units

In Cross-Functional Flowchart first step is to determine how many lanes you want to represent and what the lane titles will be. The choice of vertical or horizontal swim lanes landscape comes down to personal choice or just plain “what fits best”.

With ConceptDraw, we make that simple by including different swim lanes templates.
Professional looking examples and templates of Swimlane Flowchart which help you create Cross Functional Flowcharts rapidly.

food art, food pictures, pictures of food, food court, food images, fruit art, pictures of vegetables Food Court

food art, food pictures, pictures of food, food court, food images, fruit art, pictures of vegetables
Use the Food Court solution to create food art. Pictures of food can be designed using libraries of food images, fruit art and pictures of vegetables.