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The vector stencils library "Management pictograms" contains 72 management pictograms.
Use it to create your management infogram in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
The flat icons example "Management pictograms - Vector stencils library" is included in the solution "Marketing infographics" from the "Business infographics" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Accounting management
Accounting management, accounting management,
Activity, activity,
Audit management
Audit management, audit management,
Board of directors
Board of directors, board of directors,
Budget, budget,
Business managemen
Business managemen, business managemen,
Business management tools
Business management tools, business management tools,
Business model
Business model, business model,
Commanding, commanding,
Communication, communication,
Company, company,
Contract management
Contract management, contract management,
Controlling, controlling,
Coordinating, coordinating,
Core competencies
Core competencies, core competencies,
Corporate strategy
Corporate strategy, corporate strategy,
Creativity, creativity,
Crisis management
Crisis management, crisis management,
Crisis management 2
Crisis management 2, crisis management,
Decision making
Decision making, decision making,
Environmental management
Environmental management, environmental management,
Expenses, expenses,
External environment
External environment, external environment,
Financial management
Financial management, financial management,
Financial management 2
Financial management 2, financial management,
Financial planning
Financial planning, financial planning,
First-level manager
First-level manager, first-level manager,
Goal, goal,
HR management
HR management, HR management,
Investment management
Investment management, investment management,
IT management
IT management, IT management,
Knowledge management
Knowledge management, knowledge management,
Knowledge management 2
Knowledge management 2, knowledge management,
Leadership, leadership,
Macro environment
Macro environment, macro environment,
Management system
Management system, management system,
Managerial accounting
Managerial accounting, managerial accounting,
Manufacturing management
Manufacturing management, manufacturing management,
Market orientation
Market orientation, market orientation,
Marketing management
Marketing management, marketing management,
Marketing strategy
Marketing strategy, marketing strategy,
Middle-level manager
Middle-level manager, middle-level manager,
Mission, mission,
Objectives, objectives,
Operations management
Operations management, operations management,
Organizing, organizing,
Performance, performance,
Performance management
Performance management, performance management,
Planning, planning,
Policy, policy,
PR management
PR management, PR management,
Problem solving
Problem solving, problem solving,
Process management
Process management, process management,
Product management
Product management, product management,
Profit, profit,
Profit 2
Profit 2, profit,
Project management
Project management, project management,
Quality management
Quality management, quality management,
Research and development
Research and development, research and development,
Resource management
Resource management, resource management,
Resources, resources,
Risk management
Risk management, risk management,
Sales manegment
Sales manegment, sales manegment,
Service management
Service management, service management,
Stakeholder management
Stakeholder management, stakeholder management,
Strategic management
Strategic management, strategic management,
Strategic planning
Strategic planning, strategic planning,
Technology management
Technology management, technology management,
Time frame
Time frame, time frame,
Time management
Time management, time management,
Top-level manager
Top-level manager , top-level manager ,
Vision, vision,

Audit Flowchart Symbols

Audit Flowchart helps you draw auditing diagrams for accounting, finance and money management, fiscal information tracking, decision making flow charts, financial inventories and documenting Six Sigma and ISO 9000 business processes.
Audit Flowchart Symbols - It’s efficiently to use the colors creating the audit flowcharts to make them bright, visual, attractive and successful. The best flowchart maker use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM features of RapidDraw technique.