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The term "vaccine" is derived from "variolae vaccinae" (smallpox of the cow) term. It was introduced by Edward Jenner in 1798 when he developed the concept of vaccines and created the first vaccine to fight the denote cowpox. Later, his method was slightly changed. The next vaccine was Louis Pasteur’s rabies vaccine developed in 1885. Vaccines against plague, diphtheria, cholera, typhoid, tetanus, anthrax, tuberculosis, measles, mumps, rubella and more diseases were developed in the 19-20th centuries. There are also the facts indicating the use of vaccines yet in 1000 CE in China, Africa, Turkey, and then in Europe, America.

Vaccination is the cheapest and most effective way to prevent viruses. It is realized with the use of vaccines developed to fight against certain viruses. Vaccines are a biological preparation providing active acquired immunity to infectious diseases. They contain the disease-causing microorganisms, but in a weakened or killed form, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins. Some antivirus vaccines can include live-attenuated viruses, as for example a vaccine against polio. But this type of vaccine carries the risk of causing natural disease in people with weak immune systems. That's why vaccines based on weakened viruses are more favorable for use.

Vaccines stimulate the body's immune system to recognize a disease of a certain kind and form antibodies to fight the viruses. They teach a body to fight infections and destroy the same microorganisms when encountering them in the future. Moreover, there are also therapeutic vaccines in addition to the prophylactic ones. Prophylactic vaccines are used to prevent future infection or decrease its consequences. In turn, therapeutic vaccines allow fighting an already occurred disease.

Vaccines - Way to Prevent Disease

Example 1. Vaccines - Way to Prevent Disease

The process of introducing vaccines called a vaccination is the most simple, safe, and effective method of preventing infectious diseases. It helps to protect people against harmful pathogens before they come into contact with microorganisms causing the diseases. At the same time, the effectiveness of vaccination is different. Typically, widespread use of vaccines reduces the prevalence of corresponding viruses. Some diseases were eradicated in the whole world or in most countries at the vaccines' use. Moreover, when more than 92 to 95 percent of people are vaccinated from a certain infection, a whole community takes a herd immunity. At this, people having contraindications for vaccination like the compromised immune system become also preserved. When this percent is lower, the risk to have sick increases dramatically.

Medical Virology - Influenza Virus Nomenclature

Example 2. Medical Virology - Influenza Virus Nomenclature

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software can effectively simplify your work on drawing medical, health and virology-related illustrations, diagrams and infographics by providing the Medical Virology solution. This solution includes powerful drawing tools, numerous vector stencils libraries, and a collection of ready-made samples and examples dedicated to infections, viruses, immunity, vaccines, and immunization.

14 libraries of the Medical Virology solution include 400+ vector design elements - virus hosts, virus protection ways, prevention methods, virion structures, and many more. All you need to do is simply drag desired ones and arrange in your illustration.

Medical Virology Solution Libraries

Example 3. Medical Virology Solution Libraries

The medical virology infographics you see on this page were created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software using the Medical Virology Solution and included virology-related pictograms. They successfully demonstrate the solution's capabilities and professional results you can achieve. An experienced user spent 10-15 minutes creating each of these samples.

Use the powerful tools of the Medical Virology Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software to create your own infographics and diagrams of any complexity fast and easy, and then successfully use them in your work activity.

All source documents are vector graphic documents. They are available for reviewing, modifying, or converting to a variety of formats (PDF file, MS PowerPoint, MS Visio, and many more graphic formats) from the ConceptDraw STORE. The Medical Virology Solution is available for all ConceptDraw DIAGRAM users.
