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UML use case diagram
UML use case diagram, use case, actor, BOOKS
[ Bank . Wikipedia] The UML use case diagram example " Banking system " was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software  

Creating a Bank ATM Use Case Diagram. ConceptDraw HelpDesk

UML diagrams are often used in banking management for documenting a banking system . In particular, the interaction of bank customers with an automated 

UML Use Case Diagrams. Professional UML Drawing

UML use case diagram template - System of goods selling via catalogues

UML Use Case Diagrams. Design of the Diagrams with

Diagramming Software for Design UML Use Case Diagrams
UML use case diagram
UML use case diagram, use case, actor, BOOKS
Its main job is to increase the customer base for the bank ." [ Bank . Wikipedia] The UML use case diagram example " Banking system " was created using the 
Bank ATM UML sequence diagram
Bank ATM UML sequence diagram, use case, subject, system boundary, association, actor, BOOKS
"If you are designing an auto-teller, for example, the use case for a particular aspect of the functionality of the system is able to describe what the auto-teller does 

What is UML Diagram

Representing subsystems, requirements, structural or behavioral patterns as well as logical or physical elements while modelling the system using the well known standard called Unified Modeling Language (UML) is better in a way of UML diagram and the best software for making it is ConceptDraw DIAGRAM one. Whether you want to create object, class (or package), use case, collaboration, sequence, component, state machine, timing, interaction overview, composite structure, activity or deployment UML diagram, you can always design them with help of our Solutions section on this site where you can find our samples for making any kind of flowcharts you need. Also you can find our examples and layouts in ConceptDraw STORE app which you can download as an application to the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM product as it can be much more useful, especially in terms of discovering this software for the first time. Working in finance, aerospace, banking, internet, healthcare or some other sphere of business, you will definitely find it helpful to use the UML as well as UML diagrams.
UML use case diagram symbols
UML use case diagram symbols, use case, uml use case include, uml use case extend, subject, system boundary, generalization, comment note, collaboration, business use case, association, actor, BOOKS
Use it for object-oriented modeling of your bank information system . Wikipedia] This example of UML use case diagram symbols for the ConceptDraw PRO 

UML for Bank

UML Diagram for Bank

Sequence UML for ATM

Sequence UML for ATM